What is Reject in mining

Regect in mining

Cryptocurrency miners mainly work in pools that calculate rewards depending on the number of correct orbs. However, money is not paid for all calculations, but only for the decisions made. There is no reward for duplicates and obsolete orbs. As a result, the equipment that can earn conditionally one coin per day, for various reasons receives 0.95 or less. In order not to lose profits due to technical problems, you need to study what is a redact in mining. By eliminating its causes, the miner will slightly increase the daily income.

Definition of what a Rejection in mining is

This is what is called the rejection rate – the ratio of rejected and accepted orbs. When the pool uses a share to create a block, the miner receives a payout. Otherwise, the equipment will work for free, so you need to regularly monitor the reject ratio.

What is Reject in mining
Farm statistics

The parameter reflects the efficiency of coin mining and the operability of the farm. The number of rejected orbs is displayed in the personal cabinet and the console of the miner.

Some pools hide the rejection rate. If it is constantly 0%, it is recommended to check the effective speed and at pool. They also reflect the number of accepted orbs. However, the calculation is made taking into account the intervals between correct shares.

The more the effective hash rate differs from the nominal one, the higher the percentage of losses.

It is worth noting that reject rate in mining is a normal phenomenon. Not only internal reasons (equipment problems, incorrect settings), but also external ones affect the sending of orbs:

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  • Slow internet.
  • Unstable connection.
  • Incompatible software.

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作者: 赛义夫德安-阿穆斯他是加密货币经济学专家。


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