
Mass verification of Bitcoin addressesOwners of a large number of accounts to store and conduct transactions with BTC no longer need to review each wallet manually. Mass checking Bitcoin addresses for balance is an operation that greatly simplified the management of their own funds. Several ways are available to users at once.

How to use the mass balance check of Bitcoin addresses

In the wallet is not the cryptocurrency itself, but the keys and the history of operations. The balance is formed according to an elementary principle – it is the difference between the sum of incoming and outgoing transactions. A simple example: a user sent 0.98 BTC to his wallet, then withdrew 0.23. As a result, 0.98-0.23=0.75 bitcoin will remain on the account.

You can check the balance using the wallet you are using or a special program. To do this, you will need the data associated with a specific address. The interface of most services provides for the output of the balance on the main screen. The

problem is that active users operate dozens of cryptocurrency wallets simultaneously. As a result, manually entering combinations turns into a long and painful process.

Checking several Bitcoin wallets for balance is carried out through 3 main ways


  • The first option is related to the popular Electrum wallet (or its analog). You need to create a new account solely for viewing, and then import the necessary information. You can copy all the details at once, but each address must start with a new line.
  • Checking through a web browser. A special program can view up to 50 details. It is enough to copy the list and run the service. Resources such as, for example, HomeBitcoin and aWebAnalysis are suitable for this purpose.
  • Cryptocurrency wallet monitor (for example, Blockonomics). There is no need to log into the account several times a day while waiting for payment. The watcher will send an e-mail if the situation changes. It is enough to enter your details into the program, and then activate the e-mail notification in the settings.
Multiple verification of bitcoin accounts

What is a Bitcoin (BTC) address

This question is of interest to many beginners who are just starting to use cryptocurrency. A BTC address is a prop consisting of letters and numbers that are tied to an account. The combination is used to receive and send bitcoin. Modern wallets are of the HD type. This means that an infinite number of combinations can be bound to them.

There are 3 types of Bitcoin addresses.

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Cryptocurrency wallet variant特点
LegacyAlphanumeric entry starts with 1
P2SHThe first digit to be entered is 3
SegWitStarts with the alphanumeric combination bc. Usually refers to MultiSig wallets (they are used for joint ownership of cryptocurrency by several people or an organization, transfer of funds from the account is possible only if there are several addresses). This type is characterized by reduced commission fees.

How to find out the wallet number

Depending on the service used, you can display the current Bitcoin address by clicking on the “Get” button. Then an alphanumeric entry will appear in the corresponding line. Transferring cryptocurrency, the owner of the details must provide them to the counterparty. When cooperating with large services or exchanges, finding out the addresses will not be a problem. This will allow you to check the level of assets that are owned by the exchange. To get information about transactions on such a resource for a selected period, you can use the WalletExprorer service. In order for exchange users to replenish their account, they will also need an address. For each account, it is generated separately depending on the type of cryptocurrency. Usually, it can be found in the spot account.


⛔ Is it possible to know someone else’s address?

Blockchain technology is valued for its strong cryptographic security. It will not be possible to link transaction information to a specific person unless they claim it themselves.

❌ Can someone else access my Bitcoin address?

Blockchain is 100% transparent, it is theoretically realizable. But another person will not link the address and transaction to a specific person.

💲 Is it worth the money to use mass verification programs?

No, the services are completely free.

❓ Search showed 2 variants in the output, what to do?

In addition to the BTC address, Bitcoin Cash, a third-party blockchain based on Bitcoin, came up in the output. Ignore it and choose the right option.

❔ What can I find out as a result of the check?

The following indicators will be obtained: the total value of assets in BTC and USD, the number of transactions, the volume of all incoming transactions.

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作者: 赛义夫德安-阿穆斯他是加密货币经济学专家。


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