
Verify Ethereum transaction

If a network member sends ETH to another, it expects that the recipient will receive the digital currency in a timely manner. Blockchain is a decentralized system with no single controlling authority. If a transfer “hangs up,” the user has nowhere to turn. But it seems so only at first glance. There are many ways to verify an ETH transaction, and several more ways to speed it up or cancel it.

How to verify a transaction on the ETH network

The Ethereum blockchain records data about all verified transactions in logs, which it stores in the headers of generated blocks. Anyone can view Ethereum transactions made from a wallet, starting from the very first transfer:

  • The sender’s address.
  • The tasks defined by the smart contract.
  • Details of the payment.

It is enough to know the hash (identifier) of the transaction. If the transfer is sent from a stock exchange account, the details are stored in the history of deposits and withdrawals. The hash should be entered on the website of a network browser (Etherscan, Etherchain. Ethplorer). The service will provide full information about the transfer, including its status, block number, addresses of the parties and other data.

Browser sites also offer ETH transaction verification, which does not reach the addressee for a long time. If you enter the payment hash into the search bar, the service will show its current status (Pending) and the approximate time until completion. It will also show the gas limit set by the sender, the price per unit and other details of the transaction.

Verifying a transaction on Etherscan

Such resources offer another convenient function – wallet verification. It is enough to specify the ETH address to get information about the status of the account and the history of all payments since its creation.

For each individual transaction will be reflected:

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  • Identification number.
  • The date of the transaction.
  • The number of the block in which it is stored.
  • Type (incoming or outgoing).
  • The amount of the transaction.
  • The amount of the transaction fee.

Ethereum transaction tracking helps users efficiently interact with the blockchain, other wallets, and identify suspicious activity in a timely manner.

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作者: 赛义夫德安-阿穆斯他是加密货币经济学专家。


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