How to create a mining botnik

Mining Button

To start mining crypto coins in the pool, you need to enter the configuration of parameters for connection. The procedure for different miners is similar: you need to specify the algorithm, server address and credential information about the miner. In the Windows operating system (OS), the launch is done with a separate bat-file. In this article, we will tell you what a botnik for mining is, how to create and edit it.

What is a bat-file

This is a document with the extension .bat to start the work of the program. There is also another name – a batch file with text commands (command line arguments). The tool can be used both for connecting mining equipment and for its configuration and troubleshooting.

Text commands have fixed spelling and strict syntax.

In other words, you cannot make mistakes, use unnecessary punctuation and spaces. Separate batnets are required to connect to different pools and algorithms. The files also differ in their compatibility with mining programs.

The most popular utilities in 2023:

  • T-Rex miner
  • 凤凰矿工
  • GMiner
  • NBMiner
  • LolMiner
  • TeamRedMiner
  • XMRig.

On the official website of the software developers you can find detailed instructions with a list of commands for connection, as well as server data. For convenience, the configuration is often organized in a ready bat-file, which only needs to be downloaded.

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The bat file should be stored in the same folder with the miner.

With autorun, the program will refer to the bootable batch document at the moment the computer is turned on and the operating system is loaded.

How to create a mining botnik
Customizing the function

To add the bootloader to the autorun folder, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Right-click on the document.
  2. Create a shortcut.
  3. Open the Run window using the Win + R keyboard shortcut.
  4. Enter the shell:startup command and click the OK button.
    How to create a mining botnik
    Window for starting commands
  5. A folder with autoloader files will open.
  6. Transfer the shortcut from point 1 to it.

Download the bootnik for mining

The basic configurations for connecting to pools are shown in the table below. When adding commands to the .bat file, you should specify the name of the program and credentials (wallet address, name of the vorker). After that, you should save the changes in a text boot file.

Coin or algorithm游泳池Commands for the bat file
Miner_name -pool stratum+tcp:// -wal address_BTC_wallet -pass password -proto 4 -stales 0
Dual-mining Ethash + Blake2s
Miner_name -pool stratum+tcp:// -wal_BTC_wallet address -p password -proto 4 -stales 0 -dpool -dwal_BTC_wallet address -dcoin blake2s
Miner_name -pool -wal address_ETC_wallet.name_worker name
miner.exe -pool -pool2 -worker name_worker -wal address_ETC_wallet_address -pass password -retrydelay 2
miner.exe -pool -wal login.name_worker -pass password -proto 1
miner_name -pool -wal address_Ellaism_wallet -worker Rig1 -password x
miner.exe -pool -pool2 -worker name_worker -wal address_ETH_wallet -pass x -coin clo -retrydelay 2
miner.exe -pool -wal address_ETH_wallet_address -pass 1234 -coin clo -worker name_rigue
miner.exe -pool -wal address_UBQ_wallet -worker name_worker -coin ubq
miner.exe -pool -wal address_UBQ_wallet_address -pass 1234 -worker_worker_name -coin ubq
Miner_name -pool -wal address_UBQ_wallet.worker_name -p x -proto 4 -coin ubq
Miner_name -pool -wal address_PIRL_wallet -p 1234 -worker_worker_name
Metaverse ETP
Miner_name -o -wal address_Metaverse_ETP_wallet -worker Rig1 -p x
miner.exe -url -u login.name_worker -pass xxx -proto 1
Zcoin XZC
miner.exe -a mtp -o stratum+tcp:// -u address_BTC_wallet.name_worker -password 1234
miner_name -a kawpow -o stratum+tcp:// -u address_BTC_wallet.name_worker -password 1234
Miner_name -a firopow -o stratum+tcp:// -u address_FIRO_wallet.name_worker -p 1234

How to edit a bat file

If necessary, you can make changes to the batch text document. To do this, you need to:

  1. Right-click on the name of the batch file. A context menu will open.
  2. Select the “Edit” item.
  3. Enter the new data in the list of commands.
  4. Before closing the file, it is important to save the changes.

By default, the Windows system uses the “Notepad” program to edit bat-files. However, it is recommended to install the Notepad++ application. The tool is better adapted for writing program code: it highlights the syntax and can suggest missing punctuation marks.

Parameter decoding

An example of configuration of connection to the 2Miners pool for mining FIRO coins using the FiroPoW algorithm:

  1. teamredminer.exe. Name of the used mining client.
  2. -a. Command to enter the hashing algorithm. You need to specify a name – for example, firopow.
  3. -o. The address of the pool. Possible variants of the command are -pool or -url. Also, if necessary, you need to specify the path taking into account the stratum protocol. In this example – stratum+tcp://
  4. Pool port.
  5. -u or -user. Address of the wallet for outputting the mined digital coins.
  6. Vorker name or Rig ID when creating an account on 2Miners.
  7. -p (-pass, -password). Password specified in the account.

For clarity:

How to create a mining botnik
Example arguments for creating a bat file


You can download a batnik for mining from official resources. However, in any case, it is important to know how to create it yourself for editing.

The possibilities of using command line arguments are wider than the connection function.

Commands are actively used to manage hardware and software, overclock video cards, monitor performance.

Cryptocurrency mining remains popular among audiences familiar with digital…

When mining on a Windows operating system, using arguments is more of an additional management tool. On Linux, the command line is the only way to interact with the system. In HiveOS, arguments are also common. However, you don’t need to use either bat files or the console to use them. It is enough to enter them in the extra commands window or “Flight Sheet”.

Frequently asked questions

📢 What is the -rxboost command used for?

The argument helps to change the memory refresh rate on Nvidia and AMD video processors.

🔥 Can I control the temperature of video cards with a bat file?

Yes. You can use a batnick to script commands – for example, to specify a temperature range.

⚡ What does the -disable-gpu operation do?

Disables the specified graphics card from the rig. The function is used to force deactivation in case of cooling problems.

📌 Can 2 pools be specified in one bat file?

No. The user can specify an additional address of the same pool. It will be used to reconnect if the connection to the first one fails.

✨ No password is set in the pool account. What should be specified in the configuration after -p?

Do not specify the command. Pools often use only wallet credentials to define the farm without using a password.

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作者: 赛义夫德安-阿穆斯他是加密货币经济学专家。


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