Creators of the W-Coin telegram game introduced restrictions for users


Airdrop of tokens from the Telegram game W-Coin should take place soon. In anticipation of this event, restrictions related to user inactivity were introduced. For many profile projects, this is standard practice. However, in this case, the potential sanctions look quite severe.

According to the new rules, if a user does not visit the application for 3 consecutive days, his balance will be reduced by 5% every 24 hours until the user becomes online again. In comparison, another game, X Empire, also imposed similar restrictions. However, users could remain inactive for 30 days before their balance began to systematically decrease.

W-Coin representatives commented on this situation. According to them, the imposed restrictions will ensure that only active players will participate in the formation of the project’s ecosystem. The community reacted ambiguously to this infopod. Some saw it as an opportunity to get a larger share of tokens when the distribution starts. Others drew attention to the fact that the new rules are extremely strict.

Worth noting: there is also a premium version of the W-Galaxy game. It is available in 2 subscriptions costing from 149 to 249 Telegram stars. The imposed restrictions on automatic token burning for inactivity do not apply to users using these plans. The long-awaited launch of W-Coin powered by The Open Network will take place in December.

Shortly after this event, an airdrop will be held, during which 70% of all tokens will be distributed among players according to their activity.

In parallel, participants are waiting for the distribution of tokens from Blum. Information has surfaced that airdrop may also take place in December. However, the developers have not yet given official comments on this matter.

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