CoinW has received pre-approval in Dubai to provide services


Representatives of the popular cryptocurrency exchange CoinW announced that it has received preliminary approval (VARA) from the Dubai Financial Regulator. This is an important strategic step towards obtaining a full-fledged license to operate as a service provider in the digital asset segment. This situation once again underscores the exchange’s commitment to compliance and its strategic focus on Dubai.

This region is considered one of the key global centers for blockchain technology and digital assets. With VARA approval, the service can complete all operational processes to obtain a license that will allow it to provide regulated services. This stage is in line with CoinW’s mission in the context of creating a secure, transparent and client-oriented environment for cryptocurrency trading.

Representatives of the service emphasized that in the short term they will focus on the development of technical infrastructure and compliance with strict VARA standards.

Special attention is paid to security issues. The modern multi-user computing (MPC) wallet ecosystem will play an important role in terms of protecting client assets.

Obtaining pre-approval reflects CoinW’s commitment to comply with all regulatory guidelines from one of the most promising regulatory regimes in the blockchain segment. This milestone reinforces the service’s reputation as a trusted service provider in the cryptocurrency industry.

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作者: 赛义夫德安-阿穆斯他是加密货币经济学专家。


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