As of July 2021, there were 6,739 digital coins in circulation, and the total capitalization of the cryptocurrency market exceeded $1.5 trillion. Assets differ in their mining algorithms, issuance mechanisms, purpose, maximum number of coins, degree of centralization and other parameters. However, all types of cryptocurrencies can be considered as objects for investing and earning on changes in their exchange rates.
Difference between cryptocurrency, token and coin
All digital assets can be divided into 2 basic categories. The first includes coins that have their own blockchain (operating on the basis of a distributed chain of blocks). This is a decentralized registry in which information about the transactions performed is entered. Each participant in the network can accept and transfer digital assets, called coins, within it.
A transaction is recorded in the blockchain after its authenticity is verified using special algorithms by miners or wallet owners. The result of the computation must match on all computers connected to the network.
Coins can be compared to fiat money. If we imagine that the Bitcoin network blockchain is a single country, then the bitcoins circulating within it are its national currency, like dollars, rubles or euros. Coin holders can transfer them to other users, store them in wallets, and exchange them on exchanges. Many koins are mined by participating in confirming transactions within the network (mining).
The second category of digital assets is tokens. These are units of account that do not have their own blockchains and exist only within other chains.
It is correct to compare tokens with discount cards in stores. The owner of a bonus certificate can get a discount, but he still has to use regular currency to pay for the order. A discount card is not considered as such, although it brings additional benefits. In the electronic world, tokens are only an auxiliary tool, a unit of accounting for an electronic asset, which is entered into the blockchain in the form of a smart contract – a record in the register, confirmed by other participants.
Coin (koin)
Has its own distributed register (blockchain)
Works on the basis of cryptographic algorithms
Can be used as a means of payment
Not always
Usually occurs one-step at the start of the project.
It is done gradually by mining new coins by miners.
Example (ticker)
At the same time, tokens and coins can be combined by the word “cryptocurrency”. This category includes digital assets that have a market price and are used as a means of payment.
ByBit, kripto para ticareti için uygun ve güvenli koşullar sağlar, düşük komisyonlar, yüksek likidite seviyesi ve piyasa analizi için modern araçlar sunar. Spot ve kaldıraçlı ticareti destekler ve sezgisel bir arayüz ve öğreticilerle yeni başlayanlara ve profesyonel yatırımcılara yardımcı olur.
Kripto para dünyasındaki yolculuğunuza hızlı ve güvenli bir şekilde başlayabileceğiniz en büyük kripto borsası. Platform yüzlerce popüler varlık, düşük komisyonlar ve alım satım ve yatırım için gelişmiş araçlar sunar. Kolay kayıt, yüksek işlem hızı ve fonların güvenilir bir şekilde korunması, Binance'i her seviyeden yatırımcı için mükemmel bir seçim haline getiriyor!
Bitcoin and altcoins
In 2009, the first successful cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, was launched. This coin and the ideas proposed in it were relatively quickly supported by traders and investors. The success of the project led to the emergence of alternative payment systems:
In April 2011, as a result of a fork (split) of Bitcoin network chains, a new project – Namecoin – was launched.
5 months later, another digital payment system appeared, which became an alternative to Bitcoin – Litecoin (LTC).
Today, all cryptocurrencies, except Bitcoin, are called altcoins.
The growth of investments in digital assets (excluding Bitcoin).
Decentralized and pseudo-decentralized
Cryptocurrencies operate on the principle of a distributed ledger. This allows digital assets to be classified as decentralized means of payment with these features:
The wallet owner has access to a complete database with information about all transactions made.
There is no main (control) server in the network.
Completed transactions cannot be canceled, and the user cannot be blocked or forcibly deprived of his funds.
But not all cryptocurrencies are fully decentralized. For example, in the EOS network, transactions are confirmed not by ordinary users, but by a pool of 21 nodes (servers). All investors’ savings are entrusted to a team of 2 dozen people. Theoretically, they can collude and carry out any transaction on behalf of wallet owners. Therefore, the degree of centralization of a cryptocurrency project is an important criterion. We can distinguish 2 groups of digital assets.
The network is managed by all participants of the community.
There is a single center that manages the project.
Coins are issued as a result of mining (mining new blocks).
Coins are mined (generated) centrally by project managers.
Confirmation of transactions is handled by ordinary users.
Processing of transactions is entrusted to individual nodes (nodes).
Project managers have no authority to suspend transfers or block users.
Any wallet can be blocked, and the transaction can be canceled.
Types of cryptocurrencies depending on generation
As information technology in distributed networks has evolved, the underlying protocols and methods of transaction confirmation have also improved. Bitcoin is a popular cryptocurrency, but due to the peculiarities of the system, the use of the coin in everyday transactions is limited:
The rate of mining new blocks remains low.
A lot of electricity is consumed to run the network.
Due to the limited block size, there may be a queue of unconfirmed transactions.
Many of the shortcomings of BTC and similar first-generation projects were eliminated after the introduction of the smart contract system. In 2017, an even more advanced, third generation of blockchain technology appeared, the main idea of which is to achieve maximum speed and security of transactions.
Blockchain 1.0.
The first generation usually includes Bitcoin and those cryptocurrencies that appeared in 2011-2013. The main idea of digital finance of this period is decentralization. For the first time, users were able to transfer and store assets without the participation of intermediaries (banks or payment systems). But the scope of the projects was limited to electronic transfers. The problem with scalability and speed of transaction processing pushed developers to implement new, more advanced technologies. Examples of first-generation cryptocurrencies: BTC, LTC, NMC, STC.
Blockchain 2.0.
A new stage in the development of digital technologies was the introduction of smart contracts – agreements whose execution takes place within a chain of blocks. For example, a developer of a computer game puts it up for sale. A customer who wants to download the program deposits funds into a cryptocurrency wallet and signs a smart contract. After one party transfers the source code of the application (game) through the blockchain, the system automatically records the fulfillment of the terms of the transaction and transfers the developer’s remuneration for the program. These transactions are carried out automatically, which excludes fraud or unauthorized intervention of third parties.
Blockchain 2.0 technologies have accelerated the processing of digital transactions and helped to introduce them in different spheres: offline commerce, application development, and public administration.
Comparison of blockchain time for different cryptocurrencies.
The second generation includes Ethereum and its forks, as well as the types of cryptocurrency issued on its blockchain under the ERC-20 standard.
Blockchain 3.0.
The growing capitalization of digital currencies has made developers think about transferring blockchain technologies to other spheres. In particular, ideas related to DLT technologies – distributed ledgers – are being discussed. Cloud storage is usually hosted on dedicated servers that can be taken offline or locked down. If information (documents, videos, music) is distributed among the computers of all network users, each community member can access it and synchronize it with the data they already have. But the realization of this technology requires:
High transaction confirmation speed, an order of magnitude faster than the time it takes to mine blocks in Bitcoin or Ethereum.
Protection of personal data and anonymity of users.
Low network costs. Blockchains 1.0 are not suitable for these purposes because of the high power requirements for calculating new blocks.
Compatibility between different digital projects.
As Blockchain 3.0 technologies have evolved, several promising developments have emerged. The most successful third-generation projects as of 2021 included Cardano, Polkadot, and Kusama.
Varieties of tokens
Records in distributed registers can perform not only an economic function, but also be used as a unit of accounting in individual digital projects. According to their purpose, such varieties of cryptocurrencies are distinguished:
Payment tokens. They are used as a means for settlements.
Service tokens. Issued as a unit of settlement within a certain community (platform).
Exchange tokens. Used as fuel for exchange operations, they bring traders additional bonuses, discounts and dividends.
DeFi (which stands for Decentralized Finance).
Application tokens (App Coins).
Non-mutually exchangeable tokens.
Currencies Coin
Digital coins fulfill an important function – they are used as a means of payment. This category of cryptocurrencies is called currencies coins. The most famous payment coins are BTC, BCH, XMR, XRP, LTC, DOGE, RVN and others.
Platforms Coins
To a separate class can be attributed those types of crypto, which provide the entry of smart contracts into distributed registries of platforms. The list of these assets includes ETH, NEO, and ATOM.
Cryptocurrency Exchanges
Cryptocurrency exchanges’ internal coins
Cryptocurrency exchanges issue their own tokens that act as securities of the trading platform. Holders of these digital assets can receive:
A portion of the profits that went to the exchanges for paying exchange transaction fees to customers.
The right to participate in the management of the platform.
A discount on commissions and fees.
Increased deposit and withdrawal limits.
In 2021, the most popular exchange tokens were BNB and CRO.
Security Tokens
Companies can raise seed capital through digital technology. Investors are provided with investment tokens that entitle them to receive dividends. Security Tokens are usually backed by the startup’s authorized capital. This type can be compared to securities of real economy companies: stocks or bonds.
App Coins
Application tokens (appcoins) are a type of cryptocurrency that gives the holder the right to use the services of a platform or service. They are compared to keys for activating applications installed on computers or mobile devices. An example of an appcoin is often referred to as BZZ, which provides the holder with the ability to pay for file storage on the Swarm distributed network.
Stable Coins
Examples of stablecoins
Most cryptocurrencies are not backed by other assets. Their price is determined by the supply and demand ratio. But some tokens, called stablecoins, are tied to stocks of fiat money, gold, or commodities. For example, the Tether cryptocurrency is 100% backed by real U.S. dollars, which keeps the USDT/USD exchange rate near the 1:1 mark.
Examples of DeFi assets
A separate class of tokens is used in decentralized systems. This list includes:
P2P lending protocols secured by digital assets.
Decentralized exchanges.
Digital equity issuance platforms.
In 2021, one of the most traded DeFi tokens, according to our website, is Uniswap, issued by a decentralized exchange of the same name.
Not only money can be created in electronic form, but also intangible assets: text documents, images, movies. Non-fungible tokens (NFT) are smart contracts that confirm ownership of digital objects. Copyright registration for music, drawings, text documents, applications is possible in this way.
Web 3
Decentralization is possible not only in payment systems, but also in information exchange. The third generation of Internet technologies (Web 3.0) is usually understood as distributed methods of information storage, P2P communication systems and concepts of data transmission between different electronic devices (“Internet of Things”). In all such networks, tokens are used as a unit of payment. An example of cryptocurrencies used in the Web 3 sphere is IOTA, which is used to pay for data transfer between devices connected to the Internet of Things. NOIA and ICP coins fall into the same category.
The most widely used token standard as of 2021. Cryptocurrencies compliant with the ERC-20 standard are smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. The list of tokens of this type includes USDT, BNB, and EOS.
What are koins
Digital money based on blockchain technology is often referred to as coins. There is also another name for it -…
By type of emergence
Different cryptocurrencies can differ in the way of issue (issuance). In general, there are 3 types of appearance of new coins:
Mining. Extraction of koins by performing cryptographic calculations.
Forging. Analog of mining in networks that use Proof-of-Stake transaction confirmation. New tokens are accrued in proportion to the share of the person who participated in the creation of the block.
ICO. One-time generation of all coins, which are distributed between developers and investors (contributors).
In Proof-of-Work networks, users provide their hardware (processors or video cards) to perform calculations for block generation. As soon as a new record is added to the chain, the miners who participated in its creation are rewarded with a certain number of coins. Extraction of new blocks is carried out in Bitcoin, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash and other projects based on the Proof-of-Work method.
Coins with the Proof-of-Work mining method
In some networks, transaction approval is not done by computation, but by the Proof-of-Stake method. The chances of forming a new block are proportional to the number of calculated units of cryptocurrency. The probability of success in this case does not depend on the computing power required to make entries into the blockchain. Coins are awarded to those users who participated in the creation of a new block.
The issuance of tokens can be carried out by their creators automatically. In this case, all units of account are immediately credited to users’ wallets. The distribution of assets can be made in proportion to the contributions of participants. This process resembles the initial public offering on stock exchanges, in which traders take ownership of securities, in return for making contributions to the startup capital of the company. In particular, THETA, EOS, MINA, ICP and many others were issued during the ICO.
Sıkça Sorulan Sorular
❓ How many types of cryptocurrencies are there?
In July 2021, 5549 digital assets were traded on exchanges. They can be classified according to the following criteria: the method of transaction confirmation; the protocols and algorithms used; the method of issuance; and the degree of network centralization.
⛏ Which cryptocurrencies can be mined using mining?
All projects that apply the Proof-of-Work method pay a reward for participating in the computation of new blocks. The largest coin by capitalization level in 2021 is Bitcoin.
✅ Is there a difference between a koin and a token?
Usually, these terms are distinguished by the criterion that the digital asset has a blockchain. Coins (koins) are translated within their own blockchain.
❕ Are all tokens compliant with the ERC-20 standard?
No, this set of rules as of 2021 was the most common, but not the only one. There are types of cryptocurrencies that comply with other standards: OMNI, TRC-20 or BEP-2.
💲 Is the exchange rate of stablecoins fixed?
The market value of any cryptocurrencies can change. Stablecoins have the advantage of being backed by fiat, gold or commodities. But the fixed rate applies only to those assets to which the cryptocurrency is linked.
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