What are stale shares in mining

stale shares

When a farm is running in a pool, users may see in the statistics that not all shares are paid. Usually, miners are not rewarded for stale shares that arrived later than necessary. Stale shares in Ethereum are tasks completed after the pool has received a valid solution. For them, users receive a reduced reward or remain without income, so you should avoid stale shares.

Signs of stale shares

Miners can track statistics in the pool’s personal account or the console of a cryptocurrency mining program. These show the number of accepted, late and invalid orbs.

What are stale shares in mining
Ezil Console

Some miners face the fact that the pool does not show either stale or invalid. If there are no “bad” orbs, it means that the company deceives users, as it is impossible to completely eliminate errors.

When there is no information about late balls in the console, it is worth checking the farm operation in another pool. If their number does not exceed 1-2%, it means that video cards perform calculations correctly.

How to reduce the percentage of late balls

When the stale indicator crosses the border of 2%, you should find the cause and eliminate it. Because of this, profits are falling. Usually stale orbs in mining occur due to three reasons:

  • Overclocking of video cards
  • Dåligt internet
  • Incorrect software settings.

Increase system stability

To increase income from cryptocurrency mining, users increase the performance of video cards with the help of programs or in BIOS settings. The correct settings increase the hash rate of the GPU by 5-30%. It is not uncommon for users to set the settings too high, which causes the graphics cards to become unstable.

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Den största kryptobörsen där du snabbt och säkert kan börja din resa i kryptovalutornas värld. Plattformen erbjuder hundratals populära tillgångar, låga provisioner och avancerade verktyg för handel och investering. Enkel registrering, hög transaktionshastighet och tillförlitligt skydd av medel gör Binance till ett utmärkt val för handlare på alla nivåer!

When the percentage of stale ball in mining exceeded 2%, it is recommended to return the default settings. If the GPU settings are to blame, there will be no late shares after the reset.

To avoid technical failures of equipment and increase hashrate, it is recommended to overclock graphics cards carefully. First, miners increase the memory frequency by 400 MHz, and then – by 100 MHz. At the same time, they check the hash rate and the percentage of late balls after each overclocking. If technical problems started, it means that the user has reached the “ceiling”. It is not allowed to overclock the equipment more strongly.

Internet connection stability

Solutions are transmitted over the network, because of which much depends on its speed and quality. If data is delivered for too long, the number of stale can reach 50%. A simple option to check the Internet connection is to find out the ping to the server. To do this, you need to:

  1. Connect to the pool and start mining.
  2. Open the CMD console.
  3. Enter the command ping etc.kryptex.network -n 20. The highlighted in bold should be replaced with another coin and pool, and instead of 20 – specify the number of packets that the miner needs to check.
  4. Wait for the results. The computer will recognize the data delivery speed and show it in the console. If the average result is less than 100 ms and there are no strong deviations, it means that the connection is normal.

Miners who have increased stale shares should give up Wi-Fi and mobile internet. Wired is a more reliable option, as it has lower ping and users are less likely to experience disconnections.

Connection speed and latency should not be confused. The former is measured in MB or GB per second, i.e. it refers to the volume of data packets. In mining, the speed does not matter much, since the balls weigh a little. The size of an entire block does not exceed 1 MB, so this parameter is not so important. Miners need to look at the ping.

It is also worth giving up VPNs and antiviruses if problems arise. The use of such programs creates additional delays on the path of data from video cards to the pool server.

A radical solution is to find a new Internet provider. Usually users check several companies at once to find out who has the best network infrastructure and equipment.

Ytterligare inställningar

Performing calculations by a farm, if it happens while the miner has not yet received a new task, increases the percentage of stale shares. To reduce the waiting period, you should request tasks from the pool more often. By default, miners learn about new balls with an interval of 200 ms. It can be shortened using special commands.

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After the command you should specify the time (in ms), after which the software will request the latest information from the server. Do not reduce the interval to 50 ms, because the pool may trigger protection against network attacks. As a result, the farm will simply be disconnected from the network.

Stale shares when mining Ethereum Classic

Blockchains with the Ethash algorithm are characterized by a small blocking time. In order for the network to function efficiently and the miners to earn steadily, the developers came up with uncle. These blocks arrive a little later than valid blocks, but they are not considered late, so users have a better chance of earning. They are also considered valid, but they are not included in the long chain.

In Ethereum Classic and other networks with Ethash, additional links increase the security of the chain, which reduces the likelihood and success of attacks. Therefore, stale miners are also rewarded (for a maximum of 2 blocks), but the profit is only 3.125% of the standard revenue per link in the chain.


Working in the pool, you need to take into account such nuances as the stability of the Internet connection and the interval of requests to the server. These are usually the causes of late balls. Overclocking less often leads to stale. Incorrect hardware settings usually increase the number of invalid solutions.

You should regularly check how many orbs the pool has accepted and minimize any obstacles on the path from farm to server. VPN, mobile internet, and antivirus are not recommended so that nothing prevents information from reaching its destination quickly.

Vanliga frågor och svar

🔥 Which mining pools have a small number of late balloons?

It is worth working with popular platforms that have established internal processes, have servers near Russia, as this greatly affects the stability of the connection and data processing. For Bitcoin mining, ViaBTC is suitable, and Ethereum Classic – SparkPool.

📌 What are invalid shares?

This is the name given to invalid solutions that are caused by damaged hardware or errors in the mining software.

⚡ How long does the pool calculate the percentage of late orbs?

Usually accurate information appears in the console only after one hour of operation. It is not a good idea to look at the data immediately after starting the farm.

🤑 How do pools calculate rewards?

Platforms mostly work on a PPS scheme, which involves a fee for every decision made, regardless of what block you get. Because of this, it’s important to set up your farm correctly and connect quality internet, as every late fragment is lost revenue.

📣 What is server latency?

This is the name of the delay that can occur during the transfer of data from the equipment to the pool. It is desirable to find an option with minimal latency, so that exactly the percentage of Stale does not grow.

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Författare: Saifedean Ammous, en expert på kryptovalutans ekonomi.

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