Traders believe this mining token could grow 10 times or more before the end of the year

Bitcoin Minetrix

From time to time, many different projects appear on the cryptocurrency market that have great potential. Some of them support various modern technologies (from steaking to AI-based chatbots). Others provide an opportunity to earn digital assets in crypto games. However, few open access to such an innovation as cloud mining.

For example, the new Bitcoin Minetrix project helps users solve a number of important problems. Cloud mining eliminates the need to buy your own equipment. This allows you to save on hardware maintenance and energy bills. This type of mining is considered to be more environmentally friendly and convenient to use.

What is Bitcoin Minetrix and how the mechanism of BTC mining through steaking works

The pre-sale of the innovative project called Bitcoin Minetrix started on September 26 and attracted the attention of investors around the world. The startup’s ecosystem is based on steaking and mining mechanisms, which are in close interaction. With their help, users can earn cryptocurrency of two types: tokens issued by the platform BTCMTX and original BTC.

The asset enjoys great success on the presale: in a month, the amount of investment in Bitcoin Minetrix crossed the mark of $2.1 million. The value of the coin today is $0.0112.

One of the fundamental parts of the BTCMTX ecosystem is the steaking technology. It is designed so that users can earn cryptocurrency bonuses without having to be active. To earn digital assets, investors only need to purchase a certain number of coins on the presale and then place the cryptocurrency in storage.

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ByBit zagotavlja priročne in varne pogoje za trgovanje s kriptovalutami, ponuja nizke provizije, visoko stopnjo likvidnosti in sodobna orodja za analizo trga. Podpira promptno trgovanje in trgovanje s finančnim vzvodom, začetnikom in profesionalnim trgovcem pa pomaga z intuitivnim vmesnikom in učnimi navodili.

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Največja borza kriptovalut, kjer lahko hitro in varno začnete svojo pot v svet kriptovalut. Platforma ponuja na stotine priljubljenih sredstev, nizke provizije ter napredna orodja za trgovanje in investiranje. Zaradi preproste registracije, visoke hitrosti transakcij in zanesljive zaščite sredstev je Binance odlična izbira za trgovce na vseh ravneh!

However, within the Bitcoin Minetrix project, staking has another important function. Thanks to this mechanism, coin owners can open access to a special platform for remote bitcoin mining. To start using the service for cloud mining, it is enough to place assets in storage, earn ERC-20 tokens, and then send the cryptocurrency for burning.

Specialists note that this approach has a number of advantages. It has a minimum threshold for participation – it is enough at the pre-sale to purchase coins in the amount of 10 dollars or more. The interactive platform is entirely decentralized. This gives users the opportunity to independently manage their savings. Investors have the right to withdraw and sell assets at any time.

It is worth noting that bitcoin mining through cloud mining is more accessible to customers. Even investors who have recently started trading digital assets in the market can easily take advantage of the lucrative offer. Investors are not required to make large financial investments to become a part of the decentralized project.

The dashboard, which is currently under development, should be mentioned as a separate item. Its peculiarity is the presence of extensive functionality that allows you to control most of the processes on the platform. With the help of the dashboard, users will be able to choose the time period during which coins will be stored. Investors also have the right to “burn” part of their assets at any time, withdraw cryptocurrency or send it to staking.

Customers can also use the dashboard to track real-time information about earned mining credits and purchased hash power. Its release is planned as part of the third phase of the roadmap. The developers report that both mobile and PC apps will be launched at the same time.

At the moment, BTCMTX tokens are available for purchase on the official website of the project. To get the coins, you need to connect any Ethereum-compatible wallet and have cryptocurrencies such as ETH, USDT or BNB on your account. Payment by bank card is also possible. The value of one coin is currently $0.0112. Advantages:

  • Due to complete decentralization, the risk of encountering fraudsters is reduced.
  • The platform is managed by the owners of coins.
  • Comfortable and easy access to cloud mining through cryptocurrency staking.

Three reasons why traders predict the growth of Bitcoin Minetrix

The promising project attracts more and more traders and investors. The secret of such success lies in the possibility of earning bitcoins remotely and not spending money on equipment. However, there are several other reasons why the demand for the new project continues to grow.

Amidst the many problems that the cryptocurrency industry is experiencing, the launch of an asset with such potential becomes an expected event. Like many projects that are traded on presales, Bitcoin Minetrix is more resistant to external changes in the market. The reason is that the development is developed within a roadmap and depends on community support rather than regulatory measures and the general environment of digital currencies.

It should be considered that the asset has a real-world application. Users can put all the coins purchased on the presale into staking and then exchange them for access to cloud mining.

This approach is beneficial to investors in the face of rising financial costs of bitcoin mining. Due to recent news and the increasing complexity of mining, this type of token mining helps reduce the risk of losing digital assets.


Among the many projects whose presales are starting on the market, Bitcoin Minetrix stands out due to its comprehensive approach to earning cryptocurrency. The initiative makes it possible not just to receive passive profits thanks to the steaking mechanism, but also to accumulate special credits. The latter are necessary in order to open access to the platform for cloud mining.

Experts believe that against the backdrop of temporary difficulties and in anticipation of a bull rally, the new asset will be in high demand. Its popularity is likely to grow further due to the possibility of earning original bitcoins. However, experts remind that investing in the digital currency involves risks due to the high degree of volatility. It is recommended not to invest large sums of money.

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Avtor: Saifedean Ammous, strokovnjak za ekonomijo kriptovalut.

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