Cena PEPE se je v enem letu zvišala za 2000% - katera kriptovaluta meme lahko ta rekord ponovi leta 2024?


As statistics shows, the meme token niche is starting to attract a lot of attention from large and small investors again. This is evidenced by the rapid rise in the price of Pepe: over the past year, the meme token managed to grow by 2,369%. What the PEPE forecast for 2024 looks like, and which meme cryptocurrency could also grow significantly this year – further down in this article.

PEPE forecast for 2024 – is it worth investing now?

To date, the situation on the market is quite ambiguous. Some investors have frozen in anticipation of further development of BTC. Others are increasingly turning not just to altcoins, but to meme coins. The reason is simple: the assets that were originally conceived as a joke have proved that they are capable of generating substantial income for their owners.

As an example, it is impossible not to mention the well-known Pepe, which was inspired by the popular meme frog Pepe. The reason for the rapid growth in the fall of this year, according to experts, was the destruction of coins. It is reported that in total, in the process of burning the developers got rid of tokens worth $5.5 million. This, in turn, attracted the attention of the community to the asset due to the reduction in the number of coins in free access.

However, some analysts doubt that PEPE will be able to maintain a similar growth rate next year. In their opinion, it is much more likely that the asset will develop gradually and will not show the same strong and sharp jumps in price.

This viewpoint came after the token experienced a sharp 68.17% price drop in May 2023. Given that at the moment the coin is trying to narrow the gap with previous positions, a sharp rise in price should not be expected. Moreover, experts believe that already in early January, the growth of the Pepe rate will begin to gradually decline and will amount to only 6.68%.

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It is also worth noting that by the end of the year, the coin will undergo another series of small falls. For example, on December 29, the price of the token is able to decrease by 3.46%, and on December 30 – by another 0.14. However, on January 1, 2024, it is likely to rise again by 1.89%.

In total, PEPE is expected to be in the price range between $0.00000025 and $0.00000197 in 2024. At the same time, the token will probably be able to demonstrate its maximum value in February and its lowest value in early summer. It cannot be ruled out that by next December, the coin is able to reduce its development rate several times.

New meme cryptocurrency with growth prospects in 2024

The Meme Kombat project launched the presale of its own tokens in the fall. This is a gaming platform based on artificial intelligence, the Stake-to-Earn principle and a betting mechanism. Investments in this startup already amount to almost $3 million, and one token can now be bought for $0.235.

In favor of the fact that $MK will continue to grow even after its entry into cryptocurrency exchanges, the functionality of the platform under development speaks for itself. Its entire ecosystem currently includes two main elements: the gaming component and staking. Users can earn cryptocurrency both as passive income for blocking their coins and for winning the game.

In general, the platform functions as follows: investors buy $MK in the presale and then choose whether to put them into the staking or use them in the game. In the first case, they can start earning more $MK tokens without waiting for the presale to be completed. In the second case, they bet on the outcome of the “battle” and receive coins only if they win in one aspect or another.

Artificial intelligence is responsible for the variety and unpredictability of gameplay, and the game itself supports two modes – “battles” against other participants or the computer. Growth prospects:

  • The favorable value of the asset will help attract new and less experienced investors to the industry.
  • Continuous development of the project is due to a number of updates of game modes.


The events of the current year have shown that the niche of meme coins can exist not only for entertainment, but also for serious earnings. Projects such as Pepe and Meme Kombat are looking to not just short-term attract investors, but also to retain them.

Meme Kombat, however, aims to meet the demands of investors and create not just a speculative asset, but a useful token that is backed by its own gaming platform.

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Avtor: Saifedean Ammous, strokovnjak za ekonomijo kriptovalut.

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