Veles platform has partnered with BingX exchange

Veles platform has partnered with BingX exchange

Veles, a platform for creating trading bots, has now partnered with BingX cryptocurrency exchange. The partnership agreement will allow users of the service to access additional opportunities to automate their trading strategies.

Connecting to BingX via an API key gives traders access to the futures market through the platform’s simplified interface. Integration is available in one click.

Veles platform has partnered with BingX exchange
Connecting via API

“BingX has established itself as one of the fastest growing crypto exchanges in the global market. For our users, this is a good opportunity to trade promising assets that have not yet managed to be listed on other exchanges,” said Vladislav Krieger, CEO of Veles.

Why traders choose BingX

It is one of the leading centralized cryptocurrency exchanges, offering its users an extensive range of trading tools and investment opportunities. In addition to spot trading, BingX provides access to derivatives, including derivative contracts, as well as a copy-trading service.

The exchange has some of the lowest commissions in the market. The rate is 0.02% for a maker and 0.05% for a taker.

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Največja borza kriptovalut, kjer lahko hitro in varno začnete svojo pot v svet kriptovalut. Platforma ponuja na stotine priljubljenih sredstev, nizke provizije ter napredna orodja za trgovanje in investiranje. Zaradi preproste registracije, visoke hitrosti transakcij in zanesljive zaščite sredstev je Binance odlična izbira za trgovce na vseh ravneh!

The platform is one of the first to list popular assets. For example, BingX has stated its intention to include the Hamster Combat token of the trending tapper from the very beginning.

“We at BingX strive to provide our customers with a service that reflects the most innovative and best developments in each of the markets in which we have a presence. Accordingly, we select the most advanced developers of the best technology to partner with us. We are very happy to cooperate with Veles and hope that our clients will get the best benefits” – quoted Nadezhda Gusinskaya, Brand ambassador CIS.

Read the instructions on how to connect Veles to BingX.

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Avtor: Saifedean Ammous, strokovnjak za ekonomijo kriptovalut.

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