
3 dagen geleden 0 87
Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, shared the news about the large-scale support of MAJOR, one of the ...
3 dagen geleden 0 89
Crypto-payments remain one of the most resilient applications of blockchain. However, despite early success and rapid growth in ...
3 dagen geleden 0 84
MicroStrategy has caught the attention of the financial world with its unconventional bitcoin (BTC)-based strategy. The company uses ...
3 dagen geleden 0 82
Exactly 12 years ago, the first halving took place in the network of the flagship crypto asset. During ...
3 dagen geleden 0 84
Open interest in the bitcoin futures segment has been steadily growing since November 5, when Donald Trump won ...
3 dagen geleden 0 76
Recently, digital gold came close to the significant mark of $100 thousand, but soon began a fairly significant ...
3 dagen geleden 0 77
Airdrop of tokens from the Telegram game W-Coin should take place soon. In anticipation of this event, restrictions ...
3 dagen geleden 0 77
With the advent of decentralized finance, the opportunities for making money in the crypto market have greatly expanded. ...
3 dagen geleden 0 77
AWX service summarizes the results of 2024, which has become a landmark year for the digital coin industry. ...
3 dagen geleden 0 83
According to the latest data, the market capitalization of digital coins is 3.49 trillion. Bitcoin (BTC) is trading ...