OKX platform is holding a VIP-tournament for traders with a prize fund of $100 thousand.


A popular cryptocurrency exchange has organized a competition for participants in trading on the futures and spot markets. The prize fund is $100 thousand. All users of the service can participate in the event. VIP-tournament is held from November 15 to 28, 2024.

The prize pool will be shared by 20 best traders on spot and futures markets (10 places for each section). Prize distribution principle:

  • The 1st place winner will receive 25% of the prize pool, a McLaren merchandise and a one-year TradingView premium account.
  • The 2nd place winner will receive 15% of the prize pool, a McLaren merchandise and a one-year TradingView Premium subscription.
  • 3rd place will receive 11% of the prize pool.
  • The 4th through 10th place winners will receive 7% of the total pool.
  • 50,000 USDT each will be allocated to the spot and futures sections.

To participate in the competition, you need to be verified at the exchange. All open-ended contracts and spot market transactions in USDT are counted towards the total.

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Autorius: Saifedean Ammous, kriptovaliutų ekonomikos ekspertas.

5020 $
premija naujiems naudotojams!


"ByBit" užtikrina patogias ir saugias prekybos kriptovaliutomis sąlygas, siūlo mažus komisinius mokesčius, aukštą likvidumo lygį ir modernius rinkos analizės įrankius. Ji palaiko neatidėliotiną prekybą ir prekybą su svertu, o intuityvia sąsaja ir vadovėliais padeda pradedantiesiems ir profesionaliems prekiautojams.

Uždirbkite 100 $ premiją

naujiems naudotojams!


Didžiausia kriptovaliutų birža, kurioje galite greitai ir saugiai pradėti kelionę kriptovaliutų pasaulyje. Platforma siūlo šimtus populiarių aktyvų, mažus komisinius mokesčius ir pažangias prekybos ir investavimo priemones. Lengva registracija, didelė sandorių sparta ir patikima lėšų apsauga daro "Binance" puikiu pasirinkimu bet kokio lygio prekiautojams!

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