Recently, digital gold came close to the significant mark of $100 thousand, but soon began a fairly significant correction. Experts from Cointelegraph have spoken about this issue. They talked about why the growth of the main digital coin to $100 thousand is a logical step.
Initially, analysts told about the fact that investors are systematically moving away from the perception of the flagship crypto asset as a high-risk investment. This is due to this cryptocurrency’s resistance to censorship and scarcity nature. Moreover, quite a few major global economies are facing certain challenges. Therefore, it is logical to assume that investors will look for effective tools for diversification. Bitcoin is quite suitable for this role.
The market sentiment is also improved by the stable inflow of investment funds into spot bitcoin-ETFs. At the moment, all industry funds hold assets totaling more than $30 billion under control. Also, the positive dynamics of ETFs indicates a consistently high interest of institutional capital in the main digital coin.
Many experts also note: miners have begun to steadily accumulate assets. Usually, such a situation signals that crypto miners are confident in the further development of the upward trend. The combination of factors indicates that the high demand for the main digital coin remains stable.
It is also worth noting: on November 28, exactly 12 years ago, the first halving of the flagship crypto asset took place. Then the reward of miners for a solved block in the network decreased from 50 to 25 coins. At the current moment, however, they receive 3.125 bitcoins. At the same time, the complexity of the mining process has increased significantly. Halving remains the key tool that ensures the scarcity of the main digital coin.
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Didžiausia kriptovaliutų birža, kurioje galite greitai ir saugiai pradėti kelionę kriptovaliutų pasaulyje. Platforma siūlo šimtus populiarių aktyvų, mažus komisinius mokesčius ir pažangias prekybos ir investavimo priemones. Lengva registracija, didelė sandorių sparta ir patikima lėšų apsauga daro "Binance" puikiu pasirinkimu bet kokio lygio prekiautojams!
Autorius: Saifedean Ammous, kriptovaliutų ekonomikos ekspertas.