Wall Street Memes cryptocurrency raised $4 million in just 10 days in an open pre-sale

월스트리트 밈

Wall Street Memes ($WSM) has raised $4 million from buyers in just 10 days. As of this writing, the presale has raised $4,057,875 dollars!

The coin is now priced at $0.0271. The next phase of the presale (Phase 9) will begin when the total amount reaches $4,168,000 dollars. After that, the price of $WSM will increase to $0.0274.

Investors should not waste any time. It is still possible to have time to buy cryptocurrency at a low price. It remains to raise $100,000 before the increase.

A large community will lead to success: are we expecting a 1000-fold increase?

Fear of missing out on gains (FOMO) is driving interest in the new meme coin. The project maintains a community of millions on various social networks. Meme coin fever is not going to recede anytime soon. $WSM is as good a time as any to enter the market. Crypto investors hunting for promising new meme coins such as Dogecoin, Shiba Inu and Pepecoin have targeted the Wall Street Memes project as the most suitable one on the market.

Analysts are predicting a 10x growth of Wall Street Memes once trading begins, but this may be an extremely modest estimate of the project’s potential. Unexpectedly huge demand for $WSM has led to a rapid closing of pre-sale phases. The plan was to have less than 48 hours until the next price increase. However, with this level of people’s engagement, that goal will be reached much sooner.

Wall Street Memes token becomes the king of memes

Wall Street Memes aims to become the “King of Memes.” With 1 million active social media followers, $WSM has a good chance of being listed on major exchanges like Binance.

5020 $
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바이비트는 암호화폐 거래를 위한 편리하고 안전한 조건을 제공하며, 낮은 수수료, 높은 수준의 유동성, 시장 분석을 위한 최신 도구를 제공합니다. 현물 및 레버리지 거래를 지원하며 직관적인 인터페이스와 튜토리얼을 통해 초보자와 전문 트레이더를 돕습니다.

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암호화폐 세계에서 빠르고 안전하게 여정을 시작할 수 있는 최대 규모의 암호화폐 거래소입니다. 이 플랫폼은 수백 개의 인기 자산, 낮은 수수료, 거래 및 투자를 위한 고급 도구를 제공합니다. 간편한 등록, 빠른 거래 속도, 안정적인 자금 보호 기능을 갖춘 바이낸스는 모든 수준의 트레이더에게 최고의 선택입니다!

Wall Street Memes cryptocurrency raised $4 million in just 10 days in an open pre-sale
Wall Street Memes Source

Before listing on large centralized exchanges, the token will also appear on decentralized exchanges, giving everyone a chance to participate, regardless of CEX-specific regulations in your region.

The founders of Wall Street Memes are best known for making $2.5 million in 2021 after they launched a successful NFT Wall Street Bulls collection of 10,000 pieces that sold out in 32 minutes. The team is ready to repeat that success with their $WSM token, but on an even bigger scale.

Don’t miss out on Wall Street Memes ($WSM)

Wall Street Memes help small investors catch the big fish and win. In the world of the stock market, companies like GameStop and AMC have become lightning rods for a new movement of retail investors who have managed to win on Wall Street – at least for a while.

Wall Street Memes brought a pinch of audacity to the crypto scene. First, the token is 100% dedicated to improving the community: 30% of the $WSM token goes towards rewarding its members. From this, it can be inferred that airdrops for holders will have an important place in the ecosystem. In addition, 50% of the tokens are now available on presale, 10% are saved for CEX and 10% for DEX. The total number of $WSM tokens is two billion (2,000,000,000,000,000).

Wall Street Memes serves an important mission to democratize finance. Don’t be left out of the promising tokenization!

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