Work with digital assets is conducted via the Internet using exchanges, exchangers, and special secure wallets. Owners of portable gadgets usually manage coins through separate programs for mobile gadgets. The best applications for buying cryptocurrencies on Android or iOS are not inferior to exchanges. At the same time, their security is better designed and improves with each update.
The best apps for cryptocurrency trading
카테고리 | Popular brands |
교환 | Binance, OKEx, EXMO, Coinbase |
Peer-to-peer services | Cryptolocator, Paxful |
교환 | 60sec, Baksman, Prostocash |
결제 시스템 | Payeer, ADVCash, PayPal |
지갑 | Trust Wallet, Trustee Wallet, Jaxx |
Exchanges are popular services. They allow trading, attract investments in new projects, provide storage of coins. Popular crypto exchanges offer special client programs with a set of necessary functions.
A well-known platform that has developed software for mobile platforms. Programs are available for OS:
- Windows.
- Linux.
- Mac OS.
- Android.
- iOS.
The program takes up little space on the hard disk – 61 MB (for smartphones) and 80 MB (for Windows PCs). In terms of capabilities, the client corresponds to desktop versions, contains a database of useful information. One of the best applications for trading cryptocurrency on the phone works quickly, the information is updated in real time.
The company offers software for mobile devices. Android and iOS versions are available. In terms of capabilities, the application coincides with a full-fledged service. Among the functions available:
5020 $
신규 사용자를 위한 보너스!
바이비트는 암호화폐 거래를 위한 편리하고 안전한 조건을 제공하며, 낮은 수수료, 높은 수준의 유동성, 시장 분석을 위한 최신 도구를 제공합니다. 현물 및 레버리지 거래를 지원하며 직관적인 인터페이스와 튜토리얼을 통해 초보자와 전문 트레이더를 돕습니다.
100 $ 보너스 획득
신규 사용자를 위해!
암호화폐 세계에서 빠르고 안전하게 여정을 시작할 수 있는 최대 규모의 암호화폐 거래소입니다. 이 플랫폼은 수백 개의 인기 자산, 낮은 수수료, 거래 및 투자를 위한 고급 도구를 제공합니다. 간편한 등록, 빠른 거래 속도, 안정적인 자금 보호 기능을 갖춘 바이낸스는 모든 수준의 트레이더에게 최고의 선택입니다!
- Deposit, exchange, withdrawal.
- Creating 주문.
- Enhanced security (Touch/FaceID).
- History of operations.
- User verification.
- Other features.
Cryptocurrency exchange offers a simple app for smartphones. Purchase options are available, withdrawal to a personal wallet. You can deposit funds via bank card or direct transfer.
The popular exchange has also developed a mobile software for trading with support for more than 400 cryptocurrency pairs on spot and contracts. Buying assets is done via bank cards. Analyze the exchange rate for a day, month or other time period.
P2P exchanges
Peer-to-peer marketplaces involve user exchange of coins without the participation of exchange or trading services. Here, offers are posted without commission and have a more pleasant rate. P2P services also offer to install an application on your smartphone to always be in touch.
Among the popular software from peer-to-peer platforms:
Apps exist in 2 versions – Android and iOS. Cryptolocator also implemented a bot for cryptocurrency transactions in Telegram messenger.
The features of the mobile versions replicate the functions of P2P exchanges, including:
- Buying through a peer-to-peer platform.
- Balance control.
- Tracking exchange rates.
- Setting up storage.
- Communicating with users.
- Other features.
Applications of online exchanges
Crypto exchanges are suitable for trading. One-time purchase or sale of coins is better to perform through exchange services, using aggregators to select the optimal rate. Many resources offer mobile applications for the rapid purchase of coins through a smartphone.
TOP programs for trading cryptocurrency (buying and selling):
- 60sec.
- Baksman.
- Prostocash.
Android and iOS variants are available, the functionality of which repeats the capabilities of the web versions of exchange services.
Before you start working, you need to register or specify your e-mail. Then you can track the rate of coins, buy or sell them.
결제 시스템
In addition to exchangers and cryptocurrency exchanges, there are services for working with digital assets. We are talking about payment systems that were even before the creation of bitcoin and other coins. For fast operation, they offer software for Android and iOS. For example, Payeer deposits with bank cards, other electronic systems, cryptocurrency wallets. You can exchange assets on internal accounts. Most often, the software has a set of functionality similar to a web service.
Cryptocurrency wallets
Many coin vaults have gained advanced features beyond buying and selling transactions. Among multiplatform software can be distinguished:
- Jaxx (iOS, Android, Windows, Linux, Mac OS).
- Trust Wallet (Android, iOS, Mac OS, eventually Windows and Linux).
- Trustee Wallet.
- CryptoPay and others.
Trust Wallet since 2018 belongs to Binance – a popular cryptocurrency exchange in Russian, the largest by various indicators.
Bots for cryptocurrency trading
Performing regular operations in trading is better done through automated tools. Trading bots can be used in the form of software for mobile devices and PCs. In this case, it is better to set up through a full-fledged version for a computer, but further use will be comfortable on a smartphone or tablet. Among the popular Android-bots there are products of 3commas (there is also a version for iOS), Wunderbit.
The listed programs for smartphones and computers allow you to fully work with cryptocurrency. Most of them are aimed at beginners, has a clear interface and settings. You can buy bitcoins, send assets to another account, store 토큰, set up passive income. There is a support service that provides solutions to problems, including when working with the program.
자주 묻는 질문
💳 Can I buy coins in the mobile software with a payment card?
Yes, some services offer such an option. You need to look at the description and settings of a particular program.
📲 How do I download and install the software in my phone?
Installation is done through the built-in store of the operating system and does not differ from other software.
✅ Is it safe to use a crypto exchange on a smartphone?
The protection of data and funds is provided by the developer. The phone can use FaceID and TouchID technologies that enhance security.
📱 What is the advantage of software on a smartphone?
Mobility, access anywhere with an internet connection.
❕ Which app is best?
The choice depends on the goals the user is pursuing. There is trading software with the necessary functions and analytics. But there are also minimalist programs for tracking the exchange rate, exchange operations.
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작성자: 사이페데인 암무스암호화폐 경제학 전문가입니다.