Today, there are probably no people left who haven’t at least heard about cryptocurrencies. Even in your surroundings, there were most likely such comrades who once talked about bitcoin and digital assets in general.
Why is it so important to start learning about the cryptocurrency market today and why is it even necessary?
Digital assets can be compared to the internet in the early 2000s. Remember that at that time it was something incomprehensible, and not everyone used the World Wide Web. And those who had it were considered lucky.
However, time passed, and progress did not stand still. It took only a decade for the global network to appear in almost every home on the planet. Today, having the internet on your phone or home computer is considered the norm. Most of the time we are on the World Wide Web, reading the news, communicating with friends, entertaining ourselves. And not much time has passed since its emergence.
Digital currency is now used only by those who are interested in it, and many of them have already made good money. There are people who perceive stories about cryptocurrency with skepticism. Just like those who listened to stories about the internet during its inception.
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Il più grande exchange di criptovalute dove è possibile iniziare in modo rapido e sicuro il proprio viaggio nel mondo delle criptovalute. La piattaforma offre centinaia di asset popolari, commissioni basse e strumenti avanzati per il trading e l'investimento. La facilità di registrazione, l'alta velocità delle transazioni e l'affidabile protezione dei fondi fanno di Binance un'ottima scelta per i trader di qualsiasi livello!
In just a few years, not knowing what bitcoin or etherium is will be as strange as not having email now.
The traditional market is on the verge of collapse and the world is on the verge of a grand financial crisis. The world economy has been getting a good deal for the past few years. Many investors and traders are gradually moving to the cryptocurrency market. Therefore, if you start studying and getting into the process now, the knowledge will definitely pay off in the future.
But where to start, if you do not understand trading and investments at all, and you have only heard the word “cryptocurrency” from acquaintances and read about it on the Internet? You need to find a source of information from time-tested experts. One of them is a well-known trader Pavel Gromov.
He is the author of the channel “Chief on crypto”, to which you can subscribe and start to get into the course of things.
The channel features daily posts dedicated to cryptocurrency, stock and other markets. You can watch reviews that work 97% of the time.
You can study investments and trading with the help of author’s articles, get acquainted with useful materials about exchanges, exchangers, crypto wallets. The author of the channel has been working with digital currency since 2016. Every day he invests $100 in different cryptocoins and tells why he chose them for investment.
There are solutions both for those who want to learn everything on their own, and for those who just want to make a profit without getting into anything. The first step to starting to understand the cryptocurrency market and make money with it is to become a reader of Chief on Crypto.
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Autore: Saifedean Ammous, esperto di economia delle criptovalute.