To confirm transactions or realize contratti intelligenti in the Etherium network, a large amount of computing power is required. This is due to the presence of miners, which spend electricity to solve cryptographic tasks. For the transfer, the user pays a little bit of etherium in the form of a commission. It is calculated in Ethereum Gwei – a unit of measurement of the cost of “gas”. Transaction prices on the network change over time as miners join and leave. They are also affected by how the value of etherium moves up and down. Nodes themselves take the price a customer pays, encouraging them to pre-select transfers with potentially high fees.
What is Ethereum Gwei
This is a commonly used unit of measure that indicates the price of gas. It is the most minimal unit of etherium. Gwei is short for giga wei. As with fiat currencies (US dollar or euro), it is divided into its constituent parts.
Other units of ETH
Each part has an official name and a designation from the community:
- Wei is the minimum unit. It is named after the programmer Wei Dai. In 1998, he described the idea of an anonymous distributed cryptocurrency system that formed the basis of bitcoin.
- Kwei is kiloway (the name Babbage is used in the community). A tribute to a mathematician from England who invented analytical calculating machines. The principles laid down have been implemented in modern PCs.
- Mwei – megawai (Lovelace).
- Gwei – gigaway (Shannon). Named after a cryptanalyst who proposed using “bit” as the smallest data value.
- Twei – tetraway, given its second name out of respect for scientist Nick Szabo, who developed the concept of a smart contract, and wrote the algorithm for decentralized digital currency (BitGold).
- Pwei – petaway, in honor of the first recipient of the bitcoin cryptocurrency (Hal Finney).
- Ether – etherium, also called Buterin.
Table of denominations
Ratio of units of measurement to etherium:
Denomination | Value in ETH |
Wei | 0,000000000000000001 |
Kwei | 0,000000000000001 |
Mwei | 0,000000000001 |
Gwei | 0,000000001 |
Twei | 0,000001 |
Pwei | 0,001 |
Ethereum | 1 |
Why gas is needed in Efirium
The ETH transfer fee is always calculated based on the amount of gas. This is a key feature that guarantees the security of the blockchain and keeps attackers out. Every transfer has real value, not just a line of code.
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The economic cost of execution, measured in Etherium Gwei, reduces the ability of attackers to spam the network. However, transaction processing is not its only application. Forming smart contracts and incorporating them into the blockchain is also paid for.
Gas is an internal cryptocurrency in Ethereum. This was done to separate the two from each other. Its price is set by market methods – the busier the blockchain, the higher the cost of gas.
Transactions on the network
Transactions are one of the main functions that can change or update the states of the Ethereum blockchain. They have a data structure and contain several elements that are written in blockchains:
- Nonce – the sequence number of the sender’s transaction
- Gas price – the price the user can pay for sending. It is calculated in ETH Gwei.
- Gas limit – the maximum allowed amount of gas for the transaction.
- Recipient – address of the recipient (account or smart contract number).
- Value – the amount of etherium being sent.
- Data – the data is for the actions involved in executing the transaction. Since ETH has a smart contract function, the transaction can contain messages to invoke the function. If the data field is empty, it means that the transaction is for payment and not for fulfillment.
- v, r, s – ECDSA digital signature components (encryption algorithm).
Miners perform calculations and verify transactions. This data is combined and added to the blockchain. In exchange for their services, miners are rewarded for each block they mine, as well as the sum of all user transaction fees.
The market sets the Gwei price for the gas. If a customer is willing to pay more, their transaction will be processed faster because many miners will want to include it in their blocks. The gas price rises and falls depending on how busy the Ethereum nodes are, that is, how much data needs to be processed and added to the blockchain.
The customer can calculate the fee payment in advance through a special service – ETH Gas Station.
Etherium è stato originariamente sviluppato come sistema per l'esecuzione di contratti intelligenti. Pertanto, l'ETH è molto diverso dal bitcoin. La comparsa di così tante unità denominate è necessaria per garantire agli utenti un'esperienza più equa possibile. La commissione pagata per l'esecuzione di un contratto non è un importo fisso. La domanda di mercato modifica la capacità della rete e i prezzi, inoltre le transazioni stesse possono contenere vari elementi aggiuntivi. Un contratto semplice richiederà una potenza di calcolo significativamente inferiore rispetto a un contratto più complesso, e questo viene conteggiato nel costo complessivo del gas.
Domande frequenti
😟 Cosa succede se si specifica il limite di gas in modo errato?
Se il valore della transazione è inferiore al limite consentito, il saldo verrà restituito al mittente. Nel caso in cui il gas non fosse sufficiente, verrà bruciato senza includere i dati nella blockchain.
💰 Viene pagata una commissione quando si utilizza uno smart contract?
Sulla rete Ethereum, ogni azione che deve essere inserita nella blockchain viene pagata.
Che cos'è l'ERC-20?
È lo standard su cui vengono emesse le nuove criptovalute che operano sulla blockchain Etherium. Alcune valute possono avere più di uno standard in cui sono stati emessi determinati token. Per esempio, USDT, oltre a ERC-20, è ancora rappresentato sulla rete TRON con lo standard TRC-20.
💸 Quando si preleva dalla borsa, è necessario pagare il gas?
Sì. Le principali piattaforme di trading hanno stabilito commissioni (separatamente per ogni criptovaluta) per i prelievi.
📄 Cosa sono gli smart contract di Ethereum?
Si tratta di un accordo elettronico tra più partecipanti con accordi chiaramente definiti. L'algoritmo esegue automaticamente il contratto quando si verificano le condizioni stabilite.
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Autore: Saifedean Ammous, esperto di economia delle criptovalute.