In 2023, most states accepted the existence of cryptocurrencies and even developed laws to regulate them. In Russia, digital assets are equated with property. They can be bought, sold, given as gifts and bequeathed. However, coins cannot be used as a means of payment. In Europe and the USA, this is easier. But sometimes on the Internet they offer to buy a car for bitcoins in Russia. Such a transaction can be legal.
Russian legislation on cryptocurrency
The Russian government legalized virtual coins at the end of 2020. From the beginning of 2021, Federal Law No. 259 “On Digital Financial Assets” came into force. Cryptocurrencies were equated to property and allowed to use them within the framework of civil law. From this moment, citizens have access to such actions:
- Issuance of coins – provided that the issue is realized on equipment located in the Russian Federation (Chapter 14, paragraph 2 of the Federal Law).
- Purchase, sale and other transactions with virtual assets – only through licensed exchange operators (Chapter 10, paragraph 1 of the Federal Law).
In the next paragraph, the legislator explained the format of operation of such companies. A legal entity (not only a bank) may be an exchange operator of digital assets. The company must obtain a license from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Applications are considered by the Department of Admission and Termination of Financial Organizations.
By virtue of Chapter 14 of the law, it is prohibited in the Russian Federation to disseminate information about the offer or acceptance of digital assets as a unit of calculation. However, there are no sanctions for this violation yet.
So can you buy a car with cryptocurrency in Russia? The law does not make it clear. It turns out:
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- The turnover of digital coins in Russia is allowed.
- The organization of the purchase and sale of cryptocurrencies can only be engaged in legal entities that meet a number of requirements.
- For individuals, virtual assets remain one of the most interesting investment instruments (there are no restrictions in this respect).
- It is prohibited to disseminate information about accepting payments in cryptocurrencies.
How to buy a used car for bitcoins
In theory, such a transaction is possible if the seller offers to make a mutual settlement in cryptocurrency. In 2018, such ads were often found on the Internet.
In 2023, it becomes harder to find such offers due to restrictive legislative measures. However, when discussing the features of the car and its price “at the hood”, the buyer can offer the seller to pay part or all of the amount in cryptocurrency. In this case, the fiat unit (USD, RUB or other) will still be specified in the sale and purchase agreement. Also, the buyer will have to take a receipt from the seller that the money has been received in full. Otherwise, it will be difficult to document the transaction.
In 2023, bitcoin in the Russian Federation is a financial and investment instrument. The issue of the asset is limited, and demand is growing every year. Therefore, BTC has every chance to reach the $100 thousand mark and even $1 million per coin in the future.
However, digital gold is still not an official means of payment. Transactions of buying and selling property for BTC between individuals can be easily recognized as illegitimate in court.
Purchase from official dealers
In 2017, representatives of the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant planned to sell UAZ trucks and SUVs to the farmer cooperative LavkaLavka for bitcoins for 3 years. However, the deal was not realized.
World practice shows: it is possible to buy a car for cryptocurrency. In 2021, Tesla accepted BTC as payment for cars for a month. Later, the company refused settlements in the first cryptocurrency, recognizing its mining as unecological. It is worth noting that in 2023 on the balance sheet of the company remains a significant capital in BTC and DOGE. The stock of coins is estimated at $2 billion. In June 2022, on the website of the manufacturer you can order accessories for Tesla for Dogecoin.
In Western countries, buying goods for cryptocurrency has already become the norm. In Russia, the situation is different. In January 2022, the president instructed the government to come to a consensus on the regulation of digital currencies in the country. As of June 2022, the issue remains open.
At the beginning of the year, the Central Bank of Russia published a report that calls for a ban on the issuance and circulation of digital coins in the country. According to the regulator, it is also important to ban l'exploitation minière and launch a system for monitoring the investments of citizens in virtual assets on foreign specialized platforms.
The national currency in the Russian Federation is the Russian ruble. Mutual settlements between citizens and legal entities are allowed only in RUB. There is no official ban on accepting digital payments. Also, there is no liability for settlements in BTC. Theoretically, it is possible to buy a car for bitcoins in Russia from car dealers. Such transactions are not prohibited by law, but they are not encouraged. Their probability depends on the internal policy of the auto center.
Auteur : Saifedean Ammous, expert en économie des crypto-monnaies.