Kohapealne kauplemine Binance'is algajatele


In the fall of 2022, the largest crypto exchange announced its departure from the Russian market and the sale of its business to CommEX. The process will take at least a year – during this time, Binance clients can continue to trade on the platform. Beginners are more likely to trade on spot. There is no liquidation risk here, so you can sit through any drawdown. Promising coins grow in value by hundreds of percent in months and dozens of times on the horizon of several years. In the article – instructions on spot trading on Binance step by step. To start earning, you need to create an account, go through KYC and fund your account. Clients from Russia can use the P2P platform or make a deposit by crypto transfer.

What is spot trading on Binance

Traders on financial markets use several types of order execution. For example, in the T+2 mode, settlements are made 2 days after the transaction is concluded. In the spot terminal, orders are executed immediately. To place an order to buy cryptocurrency, a trader needs to have the full amount to pay for it.

After the transaction is processed, you can immediately dispose of the asset – withdraw it to another platform, pledge it or place it in staking at interest.

Wallet interface

Binance offers trading on the spot and futures markets, P2P-platform, to place funds in deposits. In each section, customers are opened separate accounts. You can transfer money between them for free in your personal cabinet.

To check the account balance, you need to go to the “Wallets” section. On the “Overview” page, you can see the total amount of assets in fiat or BTC. The balance for each section is displayed at the bottom of the screen. To view the exact distribution by coins, you need to go to the corresponding tab.

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ByBit pakub mugavaid ja turvalisi tingimusi krüptovaluutaga kauplemiseks, pakub madalaid vahendustasusid, kõrget likviidsust ja kaasaegseid vahendeid turuanalüüsiks. See toetab spot- ja finantsvõimendusega kauplemist ning aitab algajaid ja professionaalseid kauplejaid intuitiivse kasutajaliidese ja juhendmaterjalidega.

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Suurim krüptovahetus, kus saate kiiresti ja turvaliselt alustada oma teekonda krüptovaluutade maailmas. Platvorm pakub sadu populaarseid varasid, madalaid vahendustasusid ja täiustatud vahendeid kauplemiseks ja investeerimiseks. Lihtne registreerimine, kiire tehingute kiirus ja usaldusväärne rahaliste vahendite kaitse teevad Binance'i suurepäraseks valikuks mis tahes taseme kauplejatele!

When making a deposit, the amounts are displayed in the “Deposit Wallet”. To start spot trading on Binance for beginners, one should select “Transfer” and send the required amount to the spot account.

By default, the wallet displays all the coins available on the exchange. For convenience, you can click on the “Hide zero balances” button. This will allow you to quickly identify the list of instruments.

Features of spot transactions

On the currency market, TOD orders (execution on the current trading day) and TOM orders (on the next session) are used. On the stock exchange, transactions of types T+1, T+2 are common – settlements are carried out in a day or two. Such types of spot transactions are not used on the cryptocurrency market. Settlements are always carried out immediately after the execution of the order. Delay can occur only in case of lack of liquidity in the stack or failure to reach the transaction price by a pending order.

Analyzing the charts of cryptocurrencies, users can mark levels that are interesting for purchases. Sometimes they are tested by “spikes” – the price reaches and immediately turns around. The trader does not have time to open the terminal and create an order. Therefore, it is necessary to place pending orders in advance. It will not be possible to open many limits on different assets with the expectation that some of them will be executed. If there is not enough money on the account to buy, an error will occur.

How to start trading on spot on Binance

In 2023, you can buy and sell more than 600 coins on the exchange. Access to the section is open to users with a confirmed account. To start trading on spot on Binance, you can do the following:

  1. Register on Binance and pass verification.
  2. Fund your account via P2P platform or crypto transfer.
  3. Open the “Markets” section and go to the “Spot” tab.
  4. Familiarize yourself with the available assets. You can open cryptocurrency trades with USDT, BTC, BUSD, BNB and fiat currencies. It is convenient to choose an asset from the top 20 or the list of growth/decline leaders for the last 24 hours.
  5. Open a trade.

Beginners should try their hand on a demo account before opening real trades. By going through Binance spot trading training, users will gain order management skills and be able to practice strategies.

Registering on the exchange

You can create an account on the website or in the mobile application. The procedure is identical – use a phone number, email address or login via Google/Apple profile. The algorithm is as follows:

  1. Vajutage nupule "Registreerimine".
  2. Choose the method of creating a personal account.
  3. Enter the identifier.
  4. Think of a password, type it twice.
  5. If available, enter the referral code.
  6. Press the “Register” button.
  7. Add the second method of authentication – e-mail or phone number.
  8. Customize security settings. It is recommended to add two-factor authentication Google Authenticator, include a white list of addresses for output and anti-phishing code.

Stages of account verification

You can work on the exchange only after passing KYC. Until the procedure is completed, all sections of the platform are blocked. There are three levels of verification – they differ only in withdrawal limits. To trade on spot, it is enough to pass the first stage. Details – in the table.

LevelsNõudedWithdrawal limit per day (USD equivalent)
State sample document and selfies. Photo should be taken with a phone camera
50 thousand
Confirm the address of residence. Receipts of housing and communal services or a lease agreement are accepted. Full name in the profile and on the document must match.
2 million
Fill out an investment questionnaire and income statement
No more than annual income

Receive welcome bonuses

In 2023, the exchange launched an action – for completing tasks, newcomers are rewarded with vouchers for up to $100. To participate, you need to register using the Binance client link. From the inviter is required in advance:

  1. Logi kontole sisse.
  2. Go to the “Welcome Bonus for $100” page.
  3. Click on the “Register” button at the top of the page.
  4. Open the “Referral Program” section and copy the link. It will have a built-in bonus receipt for new customers.

Newcomers need to go to the Binance site using the link or insert the number of the inviter in a special field. Next, the algorithm is as follows:

  1. Register on the platform.
  2. Läbipääsukontroll.
  3. Go to the “Task Center” and choose an activity. As a reward, you can get vouchers with a discount on the commission. For example, for a $50 deposit in fiat you get $5 in fiat, in cryptocurrency you get $45. You can also get a $50 coupon for opening a deal on a $100 spot.
  4. Täitke ülesanded 7 päeva jooksul pärast registreerimist. Teil on 5 päeva aega, et täiendada oma saldot krüptoraha abil.
  5. Mine "Preemiakeskusesse" ja aktiveeri vautšerid.

Hoiuse tegemine

2023. aastal tehakse 75% tehingutest krüptoturul CEXi kaudu. Kasutajad hindavad instrumentide suurt arvu ja võimalust teha sissemakseid fiatis. Binance'is kantakse raha saldole kohe kaardilt või peer-to-peer teenuse kaudu.

Vahetuspunkt toetab rohkem kui 50 riigi valuutat, kuid hoiustada saab ainult kontrollitava riigi pangatähtedega.

Fiat pangakaardilt

2022. aastal peatas börs reguleeriva asutuse nõudmisel osaliselt teenuse osutamise venelastele. 2023. aasta oktoobris suleti rubla maksevärav. Kaardilt ei ole võimalik RUB-i sisse maksta. Saadaval on ainult fiat-ülekanded e-rahakottidest PAYEER, AdvCash. Mehhanism töötab nii:

  1. Viige rublad kaardilt EPS-i.
  2. Logige sisse oma isiklikule kontole Binance'is.
  3. Vajutage pealehel nupule "Deposit EUR".
  4. Vahetage fiat rubladeks.
  5. Valige maksesüsteem - PAYEER, AdvCash.
  6. Sisestage summa.
  7. Viige lõpule operatsioon EPSi asukohas.


Võite saata mis tahes mündi noteeringust börsile. Kohapeal kauplemiseks on mugavam teha deposiit USDT-s. Saate kohe avada tehinguid ilma täiendavate konverteerimiseta. Tegevuste järjekord:

  1. Logige oma kontole sisse veebisaidil või rakenduse kaudu.
  2. Avage jaotis "Rahakotid".
  3. Vajutage nuppu "Enter".
  4. Valige münt ja võrk.
  5. Krüptoraha rahakoti aadress kuvatakse ekraanil, see tuleb kopeerida.
  6. Raha ülekandmiseks avage platvormirakendus.
  7. Mine rahakoti menüüsse ja klõpsa nupule Saada.
  8. Valige sama münt ja võrk nagu aadressi saamisel.
  9. Sisestage kontonumber vastavasse lahtrisse või skannige telefoni kaameraga Binance'i veebisaidi QR-kood.
  10. Määrake summa ja allkirjastage ülekanne.

P2P kaudu.

Peer-to-peer-teenuse Binanc puhul toimuvad tehingud kasutajate vahel otse, nii et saate krüptoraha osta fiat'i eest minimaalsete komisjonitasudega.

Börsil on osalejate kohustuste täitmise garantii. Binanc ei maksa mingeid tasusid.

Aastal 2023 saavad Venemaa Föderatsiooni kasutajad osta USDT, BTC, BUSD, ETH, BNB ainult rubla eest. Sügisel ilmusid uued piirangud - lubatud oli maksta taotlusi ainult Postipanga, Kodukrediidi, Vene Standardi, Renaissance Credit Banki, Raiffeisenbanki kaartidelt. Juhised:

  1. Logige sisse oma profiili - sektsioon "Tehingud".
  2. Valige kirje P2P.
  3. Ekraanile ilmub teade riskide kohta ja ettepanek aktiveerida andmepüügivastane kood. Selle seadistamiseks peate klõpsama nupule "Start", keeldumiseks klõpsake nupule OK.
  4. Valige ekraani ülaosas krüptoraha.
  5. Avage menüü "Makseviisid" ja kontrollige valikuid.
  6. Määrake tehingu summa.
  7. Vajaduse korral märkige ruut "Näita ainult kaupmeeste reklaame".
  8. Valige hea reitinguga müüja pakkumine.
  9. Sisestage summa ja vajutage nupule "Osta".
  10. Ekraanil kuvatakse ülekande kaardi-/ESP-number. Peate avama pangarakenduse / e-rahakoti ja saatma raha.
  11. Pöörduge tagasi Binance'i veebisaidile ja klõpsake nupule "Ma maksin".

Vastaspool kontrollib saldot ja kinnitab raha laekumist. Pärast seda kannab börsikeskus tellimuse külmutatud summa ostja kontole. Keskmiselt teostatakse tehinguid 5-10 minutiga.

Kohapealne kauplemine Binance'is algajatele
USDT ostmine rubla eest peer-to-peer

Krüptoraha ostutellimuse loomine

Kauplemisterminali saad avada menüüst "Turud", klõpsates mis tahes mündile või sektsioonist "Tehingud". Mündi graafik on saadaval emakeelses kasutajaliideses või TradingView'i kaudu. Seal saab lisada ka indikaatoreid ja joonistusvahendeid. Lehe allosas on tellimuste aken. Krüptoraha ostmiseks tuleb see täita - sisestage sellised parameetrid:

  • Tellimuse tüüp.
  • Täitmise hind.
  • Krüptoraha maht.


Kasutajad saavad osta krüptoraha soovitud hinnaga. Tehingu tasemed määratakse kindlaks tehnilise analüüsi või protsentide alusel. Näiteks, altcoins korrigeerida 55-70% pärast kasvu. Seetõttu on võimalik esitada mitu sellist korraldust. Ostmisel peate määrama noteeringud alla turu, vastasel juhul täidetakse tehing kohe.


Kui signaal ilmub, peab kaupleja ostma mündi võimalikult kiiresti. Seetõttu avab ta turul tellimuse. Korraldus täidetakse parima praeguse hinnaga virnast.

Volatiilsuse tipphetkedel muutub olukord väga kiiresti. Tellimus võib olla täidetud 5-10% odavam / kallim kui kaupleja ootas. Seetõttu on parem kasutada limiitkorraldusi. Koheseks täitmiseks on vaja panna hind paar punkti alla praeguse hinna või üle turu.

Stopp Piirang

Seda tüüpi korraldusi kasutatakse kahjumi fikseerimiseks või Breakout strateegiates. Tellimuse andmisel täidab kasutaja 2 osa:

  • Piirang. Tellimuse täitmise tase võib olla allpool või kõrgemal kui turg.
  • Lõpeta. The pending order is activated only when the given price is crossed. Usually the trade is executed immediately, but it is not guaranteed. If a trader places an order a few pips below the stop price, the order will not be executed in a volatile market. The price rises too fast, there are not even mini pullbacks.

Explanation of futures trading on Binance

When buying coins on the spot market, the user gets all the rights to them. Cryptocurrency can be transferred to a personal wallet, pledged or deposited. These features are necessary for long-term investing and are not necessary for short-term speculation. In such trading, traders use futures. This instrument has peculiarities:

  • The user assumes the risk of changes in the exchange rate value of the asset. But he does not own the coins, cryptocurrency can not be transferred to another wallet.
  • For trading, it is not necessary to have the full amount of the order, 1-10% is enough. The amount depends on the leverage used.
  • When opening a trade, a collateral amount (margin) is blocked on the account. In case of unfavorable market situation the trader’s balance decreases. If it drops below the minimum margin level, positions will be closed by the market.
  • Futures are available on Binance in pair with USDT. It is not necessary to have stablecoins to open a transaction. You can transfer top coins (BTC, ADA, ETH) to the Futures wallet and use them as collateral. Losses will be written off in the collateral coin, and profits will be accrued in USDT.

What is conversion on the exchange

You can trade on the Binance spot market in USDT, BTC, BNB, BUSD, ETH pairs. This means that to convert TRX to ADA, you need to conduct 2 transactions – sell TRX for USDT and then buy ADA for stablecoin.

Kohapealne kauplemine Binance'is algajatele
Coins can be exchanged by market and limit

Transactions take a lot of time and lead to additional expenses. To avoid spending, traders use the “Conversion” tool. It allows you to exchange cryptocurrencies available on the exchange in one transaction. There is no commission for the operation, but the rate is slightly different from the exchange rate. The exchange algorithm is as follows:

  1. Log in to your personal Binance account.
  2. Open the “Transactions” section and then – “Conversion”.
  3. Select the coins to be exchanged and specify the volume.
  4. Familiarize yourself with the terms of the transaction and click OK. The rate is fixed for 8 seconds. If the user does not have time to confirm the operation, it is necessary to select “Refresh” to get the actual quotes.

Automated trading

Most of the time traders perform routine operations – open and close trades according to signals, set stops. To simplify trading, these operations can be delegated to robots, and they can be connected via API. Robots are written independently on special platforms (Veles Finance, 3Commas, RevenueBot) or ordered from programmers.

Kohapealne kauplemine Binance'is algajatele
Bot customization

On the spot market, a popular strategy is to buy assets in installments (grid) – by time (for example, every Monday) or in a range after a fall/growth. Binance offers to use a native solution to implement the grid strategy. To do this, you need to:

  1. Log in to the spot terminal.
  2. Select a coin. Open the “Spot Grid” tab.
  3. You can select one of the popular strategies and click on “Manual”.
  4. Specify the range to buy, the number of orders, the step and the amount of the transaction.
  5. Click on the “Sign the disclaimer” button.

Features of trading on spot in the application

Transactions can be opened on the site and through a smartphone. The functionality of the versions is identical. You can view historical charts, place orders on the market and create limit orders. But there are peculiarities of working in the application:

  • The chart is displayed with a slight delay (200-500 ms). For an ordinary user it does not matter, but it can cause losses in scalping and arbitrage.
  • The chart is displayed only in the native interface. To view the data via TradingView, you need to go to the browser version.
  • The chart is hidden in the trading terminal. To view the quotes history, one should click on the icon at the top of the screen.

Ways to save on trading commissions

Beginning traders pay 0.1% per executed order, but the fee can be reduced. The Binance exchange offers these ways to get a discount:

  • Use a native BNB token to pay the fees. A 25% discount is available for this. You should keep an amount sufficient to pay the fee on your spot balance.
  • Increase user status to VIP. Privileged clients receive benefits based on the level. There are 9 of them in total, but on the last one the commission on spot for market orders is 0.024%, for limit orders – 0.012%. To increase the status, you need to increase trading turnover in 30 days or hold BNB (minimum 25 coins).
  • Use only limit orders. Regular users pay the same commission for orders. But VIP clients have a difference in fees for limit and market orders. The higher the level of the program, the more significant it is. For VIP-9 it is 100%.

Korduma kippuvad küsimused

✨ How should a beginner choose coins for spot trading?

Exchange clients invest in top and niche assets. Investments in the former will not bring more than 500% profit, but they are more reliable. New crypto coins can grow hundreds of times or depreciate. Therefore, beginners are recommended to start investing with bitcoin and ether.

📌 How does the spot averaging strategy work?

It is based on the theory that quality assets always grow in value. Bitcoin has fallen over 70% three times in its history and then rewrote the highs. When averaging, the user does not record a loss, but continues to build up the position. Therefore, a small price bounce is enough to get into the plus side.

🛒 What is Martingale buying?

According to the strategy, the trader should increase the volume of the position after each wrong trade. The danger is that he will run out of money with a prolonged non-stop movement. But if used correctly, the strategy can bring profit.

⚡ Where to store cryptocurrency?

Coins intended for speculation, it is convenient to keep on an exchange account. You can place them in a deposit to get additional profits. Investors are better off transferring coins to non-custodial wallets, such as Trust Wallet, the official decentralized storage of Binance. Users can link accounts and transfer coins from the exchange with a single button.

🔔 Why build a cryptocurrency portfolio?

Investors diversify their investments. By creating a balanced portfolio, in a negative scenario, the user receives a smaller loss. Profitable assets compensate for the drawdown. It is recommended to invest at least 30% of capital in the top coins, and to allocate no more than 10% to new projects.

Viga tekstis? Märkige see hiirega ja vajutage Ctrl + Sisestage.

Autor: Saifedean Ammous, krüptorahanduse ekspert.

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