According to Chainalysis, global investors earned $37.6 billion on digital coins in 2023. In 2024, even more exciting prospects are expected in the market. However, given the high volatility of the digital segment, many investors are looking at opportunities to diversify their investments.
Holding in stablecoins is becoming unsafe due to the fear of asset freezing or theft. A sensible option is diversification. For example, buying real estate for cryptocurrency. Interest in such transactions is growing all over the world, including CIS countries. It has become easier to conduct transactions thanks to the emergence of full-cycle online platforms. For example, on the Crypest marketplace you can not only choose an object from thousands of options, but also get professional support at all stages of the transaction.
What is
Blockchain and decentralized finance are qualitatively changing the settlement system in retail, supply chain, and interbank interaction. However, conservative markets are more difficult to transform. Crypest platform contributes to the modernization of real estate transactions. Investors are offered a marketplace to buy, sell, rent residential and commercial properties around the world with the ability to pay in cryptocurrency.
In the catalog of the Crypest platform – more than 71 thousand offers. Customers have the right to choose an apartment or house for living, as an investment or for capital preservation. It is also possible to purchase commercial real estate. Specialists of the project conduct a comprehensive assessment of the object and provide legal support for transactions in the country of presence.
The platform works with individuals and companies.
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Suurim krüptovahetus, kus saate kiiresti ja turvaliselt alustada oma teekonda krüptovaluutade maailmas. Platvorm pakub sadu populaarseid varasid, madalaid vahendustasusid ja täiustatud vahendeid kauplemiseks ja investeerimiseks. Lihtne registreerimine, kiire tehingute kiirus ja usaldusväärne rahaliste vahendite kaitse teevad Binance'i suurepäraseks valikuks mis tahes taseme kauplejatele!
Marketplace Crypest is not a newcomer to the international real estate market. According to the data for 2022, the company conducted transactions totaling $170 million. On average, the platform sells and buys 15-40 properties per month. The largest transaction to date is estimated at $23.74 million.
In which countries you can buy real estate for cryptocurrency
At the moment, the service mainly operates in the UAE. In 2024 it is planned to enter the markets of Turkey and Indonesia, in 2025 – Portugal, Poland, Thailand. Each country has its own peculiarities and nuances, which often complicates the process of adapting cryptocurrency for interaction with the real estate sector. The mass application of digital assets has not yet arrived. However, it is becoming possible now with the use of various legitimate legal approaches.
Features of real estate transactions for crypto
In many countries, direct payments in contracts for the sale or lease of real estate are prohibited. This is due to the fear of states and local regulators regarding the impossibility of controlling such transactions by local authorities. First of all, each country seeks to protect its currency. There is logic in this, but it is more based on the fear of the new. For this reason, it is not uncommon to conclude contracts for the purchase of real estate in local currency and at the same time make a transaction for the sale of digital assets. This approach is used, for example, in Europe. The transaction is formalized as an offset of counterclaims.
In other cases, transactions with direct payments in cryptocurrency are possible, for example, in Portugal or the Middle East. Also, some jurisdictions allow the use of an exchange agreement (when one asset is exchanged for another by prior agreement). In this case, mutual settlements are not made, as cryptocurrency is recognized as property.
In the end, the process is influenced by the chosen country and the wishes of the buyer and seller. Depending on the state, the transaction can be divided into 2 stages – realtor service and settlement operation. It is also allowed for more than 2 parties to participate in the contract. According to the manager of Crypest marketplace, the acquisition of commercial and residential real estate on the company is becoming a popular method. In this case, it allows convenient and safe management of assets. For example, to transfer real estate, optimize rental income. It also allows you to pledge the object as collateral and perform many other operations.
Some clients formalize real estate into trusts. This allows to optimize the tax burden when transferring inheritance. This approach is relevant for European countries with high inheritance tax. For example, in France the fee ranges from 20% to 60%. The use of trusts is also suitable for jurisdictions with high capital gains tax.
How to use Crypest
Paying with digital currency is convenient and secure. Unlike traditional bank transfers, crypto payments are completed in minutes. On the Crypest platform, clients receive full legal support for buying, selling, as well as renting. The service provides several options for making payments, including through an escrow account, acting as a guarantor between users. The platform also offers real estate on behalf of the project. These options are discussed in detail further in the material.
Buying real estate for cryptocurrency
In such transactions, it is worth understanding what purpose is pursued. Conditionally it is possible to distinguish several of them:
- For living.
- As an investment.
- For the preservation of capital.
Investments in this or that real estate can bring an income of 6-10% per year. It is a question of renting out. In this process, it is important to choose a location and understand the target audience. Guaranteed contracts are also found. For example, from the developer, who undertakes to pay a conditional 8% per annum for 3-5 years after the delivery of the object. This is convenient, as you do not have to worry about the management of real estate. The offer is favorable taking into account the increase in value over a long period of time.
For personal use, the selection criteria may differ. For living with a family, tourist areas, with offices or near the industrial part of the city are most likely not suitable. For capital preservation, there are different options. In this case, it is relevant to consider options for commercial properties, offices and land.
Regardless of the objectives, it is important to understand how to manage the property more efficiently. For example, through a local or foreign company in a particular country. If the property is purchased for long-term purposes or with the prospect of transferring it to third parties in the future, it is worth considering management through a trust. This option will protect the owner’s interests from most risks and provide a tax-free transfer of the property to the heirs.
Real estate in many countries, particularly in the UAE, can be purchased remotely. It is enough to specify the data of the final beneficiary. To conduct a transaction on the secondary market, a power of attorney will be required (it can also be issued online). The general algorithm of purchase is as follows:
- Determine the purpose. It is worth understanding why the purchase is being made, for what period of time and what result is expected.
- Choose several options. For convenience, you can use the catalog and set up a filter by location, type, number of rooms and other criteria. To avoid wasting time on searching, you can contact specialists online chat, by phone or messengers. Employees will form a number of proposals according to the given criteria and help to evaluate the favorite options.
- Request information on the selected options. This will allow you to study the objects in more detail and decide on the need for inspection.
- Check the property. The company takes care of the organization of the trip. The client agrees with the schedule of inspection of real estate objects, provides accompaniment and consultation of a specialist. Photos, video report and broker’s conclusion on the expediency of the purchase are provided in a remote format.
- Verify documents. The legal department clarifies information in state registers, gives a conclusion on the transparency of the transaction, prepares the contract.
- Pay for the purchase. At this stage, the transfer of ownership from the seller to the new owner takes place. The contract can be signed in person or remotely by power of attorney, pay – in a convenient cryptocurrency.
- Receive documents for the object.
Sale of real estate for crypto
The order of actions in this case is different. The seller also receives professional support at every stage of the transaction. The instructions are as follows:
- Place an ad. To do this, you need to fill out a form on the website. The specialist will check the information and contact to clarify the details. After that, the offer will be included in the catalog of the site.
- Provide information upon request. After receiving a request from a potential buyer, an employee of the marketplace will contact the seller to obtain clarifying data.
- Show the property. After approval, the potential buyer will visit the property for a visual inspection. If the transaction is conducted remotely, photo and video reports will be required.
- Wait for the verification of documents. It is necessary to sign the contract. After that, ownership will be transferred to the buyer. The seller will receive payment in digital currency in a convenient way.
The Crypest platform also provides an urgent buyout service for residential or commercial real estate. You can submit an application online. Settlement is made in any convenient form, including digital assets.
Renting residential and commercial real estate for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies
As for rent, the Crypest service also offers payment options using digital assets. In this case, the algorithm of actions is identical to the purchase of real estate, except for the transfer of ownership.
Täiendavad teenused
In real estate transactions, it is necessary to understand how much the value corresponds to the market, and correctly assess the legal risks. Crypest Marketplace is created by a team of specialists with many years of experience. Thanks to cooperation with major developers and in-house analytics, the company is ready to provide a balanced assessment of the object, which will allow the client to make an informed investment decision. The marketplace also offers services such as:
- Escrow account.
- Kinnisvara märgistamine.
Krüptoraha tehingute peamine risk on see, et neid ei saa tagasi teha. Kui üks osapool tahtlikult ei täida oma kohustusi, ei ole lihtne raha tagasi saada. Klientide turvalisuse tagamiseks pakub Crypest Marketplace hoiukonto teenust. See võimalus toimib nii:
- Krüptoteenus avab ostulepingu osana hoiukonto. Sellisel juhul tegutseb platvorm poolte kohustuste täitmise garandina.
- Ostja kannab krüptoraha hoiukontole.
- Pärast seda, kui müüja on täitnud lepingu tingimused, kogub platvorm talle makseid.
Sellise lähenemise puhul on kõigile osapooltele tagatud usaldusväärsus ja ausus. Tehingus osalejad ei pea muretsema omandiõiguse ülemineku pärast.
Kinnisvara märgistamine
See on protsess, mille käigus konverteeritakse mis tahes vara õigused digitaalseks valuutaks plokiahelas või hajutatud pearaamatus. Kinnisvara näitena kasutades saab ühe ruutmeetri ruumi või iga korteri hoones tokeniseerida.
Protsess võimaldab suurt hulka võimalusi kapitali jaotamiseks ja haldamiseks. Võimalik on mitte investeerida kogu summa ühte konkreetsesse objekti, vaid investeerida mitmesse (näiteks äripinnad ühes riigis või hajutatud ruutmeetrid eri riikides). Praegu nõuab selline lähenemine suurt kapitali, et omada täielikult kinnisvaraobjekte, samuti nende hooldus- ja halduskulusid.
Tänu tokeniseerimisele on see protsess optimeeritud. Varade omamine sel viisil võimaldab lahendada kiire omandiõiguse ja likviidsuse muutumise probleemi. Terve korterit või kontorit ei ole lihtne ühe päevaga ümber korraldada. Veelgi keerulisem on leida sellistele kaupadele mõne tunni jooksul ostja. Samal ajal võtab märgise müümine turuplatsil aega minuteid.
Crypest teenus kasutab seda tehnoloogiat kinnisvaraarendajatega suhtlemiseks. Näiteks müüb arendaja suure hulga kortereid või büroosid. Crypesti platvorm väljastab tingimusliku tokeni ja ostab objektid hulgimüügihinnaga. Seejärel müüakse kinnisvara turuhinnaga. Samal ajal saavad investorid iga tokeniühiku eest lisakasumit. Praegu on turuplatsi esindajate sõnul sellised operatsioonid piiratud saidi tavakasutajate seas. Võimalust plaanitakse avalikult pakkuda pärast õigusliku raamistiku valmimist.
Tehnoloogia eeldab erinevaid kasutusviise. Teine näide on hotellide või muu ärikinnisvara ostmine koos halduse ja kasumieraldisega sümboolse ühiku kohta. Sellisel juhul saavad varade omanikud investeeringutelt intressitulu.
Aastatel 2024-2025 kaalub Crypesti meeskond 2 varianti elu- ja ärikinnisvara tokeniseerimiseks - ostmine konkreetses etapis ja ehitamine koos omakapitali osalusega. Kinnisvara müügist saadav kasum jaotatakse varade omanikele stabiilimüntides.
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Autor: Saifedean Ammous, krüptorahanduse ekspert.