Blockchain tehnoloogia koolitus nullist

Blockchain education

Decentralized technology is evolving rapidly. In 2024, enterprise blockchain solutions have already emerged, paving the way for entirely new business models. Such projects use dynamic smart contracts on Ethereum networks, tokenization and decentralized operating structures. To interact with them, business leaders, engineers and other professionals need to understand the principles of DLTs (distributed ledgers). The information on the Internet provides only a general overview. Those who want to dive deep into the topic can get specialized knowledge through blockchain education programs and trainings from leading universities and major companies. A large number of cryptocurrency courses can be found on well-known educational websites.

Course authorTraining program nameHindamineCost of training
Eugene Egorov
Cryptocurrency training from scratch
From 7 to 10 thousand rubles
Getting started in blockchain development.
Blockchain and cryptocurrencies.
Free of charge
Research Center “Specialist” at Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Certified Blockchain Professional.
55.95 thousand rubles.
Blockchain development.
94 thousand rubles
Introduction to Blockchain.
Distributed Lab
Online Education Development Foundation (OEDF)
Introduction to blockchain technology.
On request
Geekchain Education
Training in blockchain technology up to the Expert level.
25.7 thousand rubles
Academy for everyone
Powerful basic.
185 thousand rubles
Open Education
Blockchain: architecture and working principle.
3.6 thousand rubles
On request
A hands-on course on the basics of decentralized technology.
6.5 thousand rubles
Introduction to Blockchain technology.
1.79 thousand rubles
Individual consultation. Accelerated program for safe entry into the world of cryptocurrencies. Basic module for a deep understanding of blockchain and bitcoin.
From 4.9 thousand to 34.9 thousand rubles
Blockchain, cryptocurrencies and digital assets. Fundamentals of blockchain technologies and cryptocurrencies, prospects of technology development in the spheres of public finance and management. Digital financial assets and blockchain technology.
From 20 thousand to 45 thousand rubles

How blockchain training takes place

In 2024, many cryptocurrency trainings are available online. Most often they are created by foreign universities and distance education centers.

For example, the Coursera service has dozens of free courses for beginners and experts in decentralized technology.

The programs are written by professors from the universities of Princeton, New York, and Zurich. The training is conducted in English. In them, you can get experience writing Bitcoin-like networks or learn how to create smart contracts in the Solidity language. The latter allows blockchain platforms to be deployed on the Ethereum network.

Blockchain tehnoloogia koolitus nullist
Online blockchain programs from leading universities on Coursera

Another educational resource is the Cryptocurrency Academy. It offers online trainings at low prices – from 7,000 rubles. For example, you can take an online course “Cryptocurrency Training”, which is led by a successful trader Evgeny Egorov. Foreign major universities are launching paid online courses with in-depth study of the basics of blockchain. For example, Using Cryptography Correctly training from Stanford University costs less than $500. The price of blockchain training under Harvard’s Breakthrough Innovation with Blockchain Technology program will be $2,800.

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Why study blockchain

Knowledge and experience in digital currencies and distributed networking opens the door to promising global career opportunities. This allows you to earn a high salary and, if you wish, move to another country or work remotely from anywhere in the world. The demand for specialists in blockchain is growing rapidly. Many companies are actively looking for professionals in the field of distributed networks.

Best Blockchain Courses

Major universities around the world offer cryptocurrency training. Some universities offer full-fledged blockchain courses, while others offer separate courses that are part of different programs. For example, at Stanford University in the United States, blockchain fundamentals are taught in the departments of computer science, anthropology, history, politics and finance. This is due to the potential for the technology to be used in various fields and professions.

In 2021, CoinDesk analysts evaluated 230 of the world’s largest universities that offer blockchain education. The experts compared:

  • The number of research centers for the study and application of the technology.
  • The number of organized conferences and thematic clubs.
  • Partnerships with fintech companies.
  • Academic reputation of universities.
  • Prices for blockchain technology education.

As a result, a ranking of the top 50 educational institutions that teach cryptography and produce specialists in professions related to the development of cryptocurrency networks was compiled. The table presents data on the top five.

HindamineUniversityTotal score
National University of Singapore
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
University of California Berkeley
University of Zurich
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Educational programs from reputable universities have responded to increased student demand. Blockchain education from scratch is either face-to-face or online. Well-known education websites (Coursera, Udemy) offer many cryptocurrency courses. Every year there are more and more new specializations with a more in-depth focus. Knowledge is provided by professors of world universities. The most popular learning platforms are collected in the table.


According to LinkedIn, the skill of developing in blockchain topped the top competencies employers are looking for in candidates in 2021. Analysts at ranked the digital sphere as the fastest growing field in terms of job openings. In one year, the number of new offers from employers increased by 59%. In 2020, the job market for blockchain developers grew 33 times.

Experts say: in 2024, crypto specialists will not have to look for a job. Companies themselves offer them new blockchain developer jobs. Many employers are ready to invest money in training specialists.

Open education

On the platform you can get initial and fundamental knowledge about the work of distributed networks in Russian. The name of the program is “Blockchain: architecture and principle of operation”. The format is short video lectures and test assignments. A point system allows you to take into account your progress in learning. After completing the course, one can become a certified specialist.

The first block of materials is available to users after registration. Then it is necessary to pay 3.6 thousand rubles and pass the intermediate exam. The program is extensive and includes the following topics:

  • The principle of the Bitcoin system.
  • Architecture and creation of own blockchain networks.
  • General concepts of algorithm and consensus protocol.
  • The functionality of the Ethereum platform, including when developing with different operating systems.
  • Proof of work and ownership shares.
  • Smart contracts, gas, EVM and others.


The online university takes an author-centered approach to education. At GeekBrains, knowledge is provided by leading experts from tech companies and CEOs of blockchain projects (Alexander Zemtsov from IBM, Anatoly Konkin from FinTech Association and others). In addition to lectures, students have access to internships at partner companies and gain skills that are valuable and applicable in the current market.

The Blockchain development course is aimed at professionals of different levels:

  • Junior – basic principles of blockchain programming.
  • Middle – solving applied tasks in various spheres.
  • Senior – launching large-scale products in Web3 and getting a profession in demand in international teams.

The course on blockchain development consists of thematic blocks. Each of them includes a series of lectures in the format of video lessons and webinars with feedback. Teachers and mentors check the level of knowledge and advise on key issues. The training material is reinforced by practical tasks. As a bonus – employment counseling (coaching sessions with HR of Binance exchange). Graduates learn about current requirements and receive a certificate of professional training in the form of an electronic certificate.

The price of training – 234.9 thousand rubles, taking into account the current discount – 94 thousand rubles. There is a convenient opportunity to pay in installments for 36 months at 2.6 thousand rubles. Training period – 9 months.

Creating blockchain projects

The training from the Online Education Development Foundation (OEDF) is intended for beginner developers. To get the maximum benefit from the training and learn a new profession, you need to know at least 1 programming language and be able to create projects. Training is conducted by practicing Blockchain developers:

  • Nikita Zhavoronkov – founder of blockchain search engine Blockchair.
  • Daniel Nagy – leading Ethereum developer (Hungary).

The duration of the course is 3 weeks. During this time, students will learn in detail how a blockchain network works and its properties, learn how to create cryptocurrencies, write smart contracts and deploy decentralized applications. This will help them gain the basic skills and experience to immerse themselves in the profession. Classes are held in the format of lectures, video lessons and webinars. The trainees gain and consolidate knowledge in practice. They solve problems that developers face every day, as well as get feedback from teachers.

At the end of the training, students show a project in which they use their new knowledge, skills and expert advice. Graduates receive competitive advantages: certificates from FROO and a strong resume. The price of training is on request. The user is offered to fill in the registration form and wait for a response from the support team.

Blockchain tehnoloogia koolitus nullist
Online courses on the FROO platform


Free online training from the largest software developer is created specifically for beginners. Leading Microsoft experts explain how the distributed registry is organized and share real experience of using the technology. The free program “Getting Started in Blockchain Development” consists of six modules. Each of them is packed with lectures for self-study. There is no feedback provided. However, there are no deadlines either. The user can familiarize himself with the materials, tools and lectures in a convenient mode without being tied to training deadlines.

The training is built on the Microsoft framework. Students dive into a protocol overview on Azure, write smart contracts using Ethereum and the Solidity language, and build tokens using OpenZeppelin development tools.

Students also learn how to deploy decentralized applications on local and test Ethereum networks.

The program is designed for self-paced blockchain education. It is assumed that users already have initial experience building decentralized applications. Required skills:

  • Know at least one development language (C, Python, Java Script).
  • Create new directories using the command line.
  • Operate basic programming concepts.
  • Work in Visual Studio Code (technical requirement to solve practical problems).

For business

Accenture analysts say: in 2024, distributed ledger technology (DLT) will cover different types of assets. By 2025, Web 3.0 technology will be massive and an integral part of global business. Therefore, the profession of blockchain or smart contract developer becomes one of the most needed in the programming world.

In 2024, major companies are already using DLT in their operations. The retail chain Walmart tracks deliveries and reduces the risk of product spoilage. “Norilsk Nickel” sells tokens backed by cobalt, copper and other metals. PwC estimated the growth potential of blockchain technology to reach $1.76 trillion by 2030.

However, the introduction of DLT is associated with certain risks. Experts from the Information System Audit and Control Association (ISACA) and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) have identified the main ones:

  • Deviation from protocols and algorithms during the design phase compromises system integrity. The network becomes vulnerable to hacker attacks and fraudulent activities.
  • Errors in information exchange between networks disrupts the stability of business processes.
  • Poor encryption during operating system updates threatens data loss.
  • Due to differences in regulation of the cryptocurrency market, legal difficulties may arise in the implementation of international smart contracts in Ethereum.
  • The human factor does not exclude the possibility of losing private keys to access the system.

Most of the potential problems in the field of distributed networks can be solved by working with professionals. For company managers, introduction to DLT-technologies will allow them to keep the focus of development and control work processes, as well as attract programmers with the best skills and specialization to the team.


The online course “Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies” helps business representatives, employees of government agencies, students of economic and legal specialties. One of the most universal training and free courses prepared by the project “Lectorium” and the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. Experts in 5 thematic blocks reveal the essence of such a phenomenon as cryptocurrencies. Students will learn how to:

  • Distinguish electronic currencies from digital and virtual currencies.
  • Classify tokens by technical characteristics, economic and legal features.

The training is delivered in a video lecture format. Students also receive reference materials for self-study. The course helps you get started with blockchain in 12 weeks, but there is no strict deadline. Students can take lessons and immerse themselves in digital technologies at their convenience, chat with fellow students and support operators. Basic training is available for free. There is also the connection of additional options for 1600 rubles. Among them:

  • Verification tests on each topic with feedback from teachers.
  • Final exam.
  • Certificate of completion of the course.

Certified Blockchain Professional

The first professional course on Blockchain technologies in Russia. Developed by the research center “Specialist” at Bauman Moscow State Technical University. The program is based on practical application of blockchain fundamentals in business. The author of the educational blocks Sergey Zhegov managed startups in TBC and CoinFly. He transferred his experience with decentralized protocols into a 16-hour intensive. The content is in the format of video lessons. The training provides systemic knowledge and relevant tools for developing a career in large companies and launching your own business or product in blockchain.

The organizers aim to enable Certified Blockchain Professional graduates to create Web3 products from scratch and attract investments in them.

An additional skil is building cryptocurrency portfolios. After completing the course, students receive a Certified Blockchain Professional certificate from the Specialist Training Center. Students who successfully pass the tests are awarded the international qualification Certified Blockchain Professional (IIB).

The price of online training is 55.95 thousand rubles. Possible installments – from 2.98 thousand per month.

GeekChain Education

Online program “Blockchain Technology Training to the level of “Expert” consists of four modules that cover all areas of application of innovation:

  • Business Information – creating digital currency and its role in the economy.
  • Technical foundations and components of a decentralized network.
  • Principles of the cryptocurrency economy.
  • Implementation of blockchain developments by governments and corporations.

Classes are held on the GeekChain Education platform in the format of video lessons. Students consolidate the theoretical base under the guidance of practicing experts. Work on homework helps to internalize the acquired knowledge.

Graduates of the course receive structured lectures on DLT, its financial implementation and development tools. They explore legal aspects related to cryptocurrencies in different countries and invest professionally in the digital market.

The cost of the program is 25.7 thousand rubles. After completing the online course, a certificate of professional training is issued.

For traders and investors

Distributed registry systems have proven themselves in business, medicine, logistics, and energy. Like other promising technologies, DLT attracts the interest of investors. You can invest money in several ways:

  • Buy shares of blockchain companies.
  • Invest in cryptocurrencies.
  • Purchase ETFs (exchange-traded fund shares) on blockchain companies and digital assets.

One of the most popular ways to make money from cryptocurrencies is trading. To trade or invest in digital coins, you need to understand how the market works. It is worth studying special literature, listening to lectures, taking courses or trainings.

Online course “Learning Cryptocurrencies” from scratch

The educational program is compiled with the participation of experts. The author of the course is a practicing trader Eugene Egorov. The in-depth program gives a fundamental understanding of the basics of the crypto market and blockchain technology.

In the first module, students learn the basic concepts and basic principles of digital currencies. Deepening in them is done gradually. At the second level, the rules of interaction with exchanges are explained. On the third, students learn how to analyze the market and safely work with cryptocurrency wallets. The course also covers the tools of passive earning on digital currencies.

The program includes 13 lessons and 2 bonus modules lasting 10 hours. There are 2 training options available for students:

  • Basic – 7 thousand rubles. The program is for those who want to quickly immerse themselves in the world of cryptocurrencies, learn how to trade coins and choose assets for investment.
  • PRO – 10 thousand rubles. This is an expanded format of training with constant support in a private chat, access to analytics and signals to buy / sell coins from the author of the course.

Access to the materials remains forever. Graduates receive a personalized diploma in the form of NFT.

Blockchain Consult

Professional traders and crypto-analysts have prepared material on making money trading digital currencies. Blockchain course from “Blockchain-consult” is created in an intensiv format. The training period is three days of theory and practice. It will suit both beginners and experienced traders. The former will be able to understand the basics of digital technology, as well as monetize new knowledge. The latter will receive expert advice, learn how to safely invest in cryptocurrencies and make trading deals.

The blockchain course program includes topics such as:

  • Digital market fundamentals – challenges, risks and opportunities.
  • Basic level of crypto trading – parsing strategies.
  • High-yield investing in ICOs.
  • Investing in alternative cryptocurrencies with income potential up to 10,000% per annum.

Classes on crypto network development are held in an online format. Up-to-date prices are available upon request.


A practical course on the basics of decentralized technology gives a full understanding of the market and teaches you how to make money on it. Online training from Synergy University covers all the properties of a distributed ledger and how to apply them. The program “Blockchain Algorithms: Contribution with Guarantee” includes 37 thematic blocks. There are 15 academic hours for their study. The course instructor is business analyst Oksana Rusakova. She shares techniques, necessary tools for development, and also gives a step-by-step plan that will ensure the launch of a Web3 product in the digital sphere.

Students gain knowledge in the format of video lessons and consolidate it in practical classes. The course also contains additional materials for self-study.

An additional goal of the project authors during the whole term of study is to create networking. This is facilitated by students’ free communication with fellow students and the instructor in live chat. Graduates are given a certificate confirming the knowledge gained.

The training costs 6.5 thousand rubles. For training, you need to leave an application on the course page, discuss the program and time of classes with the manager.


The educational portal offers several online programs for beginners and experienced investors:

  • Individual consultation for users allows you to study materials and lectures without being tied to a specific timeframe. You can ask any question to the experts and get recommendations or a ready-made solution. The price of an hour-long consultation is 4.9 thousand rubles.
  • Accelerated course for safe entry into the world of cryptocurrencies. Training includes the basics of technology and interaction with the market. Theoretical knowledge is consolidated in practice. Experts help to activate and customize digital wallets, give recommendations on current ways to earn money. Course duration – 3 hours. Price – 19.9 thousand rubles.
  • Basic course for a deep understanding of blockchain and bitcoin. The training consists of thematic blocks, including the work of smart contracts and decentralized applications, reviews of protocols and their features. Each of them consecutively considers the device and principles of operation of the main cryptocurrency. Separate modules and lectures are devoted to the issues of storing, trading and investing in Bitcoin. The online course is designed for eight hours, the access period is not limited. The price of lessons is 34.9 thousand rubles.

At the end there is a test for understanding the material. Graduates receive a certificate and online support for small questions.

Blockchain tehnoloogia koolitus nullist
Training in blockchain and cryptocurrency security on Cryptonist


Experts estimate that the number of jobs in the cryptosphere is growing by more than 200% every 12 months. LinkedIn analysts have calculated: in 2021, the number of job openings in Blockchain in the US alone has increased by 395% compared to 2020. Amazon, JPMorgan Chase and other large companies have their own cryptocurrency departments. Businesses are looking for professionals who can understand the technology and implement it into traditional models.


Centers of additional professional education (APE) provide knowledge from professors of different state universities. Based at Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (PFUR), three programs can be studied:

  • “Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies and Digital Assets” from professors of the Faculty of Law. The form is part-time. Term of study – 5 days. The cost is 42 thousand rubles. The program offers to master the skills of working with blockchain, cryptocurrencies and STO.
  • “Fundamentals of blockchain technologies and cryptocurrencies, prospects for the development of technology in the spheres of public finance and management” from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. Form – part-time. Duration – 4-hour lectures on Saturdays for 5 weeks. The cost – 20 thousand rubles. The program includes the basics of cryptoeconomics, the features of bitcoin and other fundamental digital currencies, as well as the possibilities of using blockchain for the state apparatus, the basics of legislative regulation of the sector.
  • “Digital financial assets and blockchain technology” from the Faculty of World Economy and Business (IMEB). Form – part-time. Duration – 36 academic hours. The cost – 45 thousand rubles. The program and materials are not described.

PFUR-based education allows humanitarian specialists to learn the principles of blockchain technology. In terms of knowledge for developers, these training programs will not bring particularly valuable materials.

Another disadvantage of education in the VPO is that it is available only for students who have already received higher education. Before enrollment, you need to provide a diploma of graduation from any university.


“Introduction to Blockchain Technology” is a universal training that provides an understanding of decentralized storage and introduces its basic principles. The program consists of six modules:

  • Introduction to Cryptography.
  • Blockchain.
  • Bitcoin.
  • Altcoins.
  • Blockchain for business and product launch.
  • Etherium.

The course is designed for 20 hours and includes 90 lectures on the components of the digital network (transactions, blocks) and their use in blockchain. Basic algorithms, validation and verification are separately covered. Udemy graduates get up-to-date knowledge and skills in working with digital currencies. They can create networks, write smart contracts and decentralized applications, analyze strategies for any business.

The author of the course is Timur Mashnin, a practicing developer and founder of NOV Tech Solutions. He helps to learn the basics of blockchain in the format of video lessons. To consolidate the material on the developer profession, students receive practical tasks. No feedback is provided. Graduates are awarded electronic certificates. The price of training is 1.79 thousand rubles.

Blockchain tehnoloogia koolitus nullist
Top blockchain courses on Udemy


Online training “Introduction to Blockchain” is created by the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. The free program is aimed at forming a basic understanding of DLT. Users are offered to:

  • Explore the basic properties of digital networks.
  • Understand the technological features of tokens, koins and cryptocurrencies.
  • Learn how smart contracts and decentralized applications work with Ethereum, what their advantages are, as well as the peculiarities of the Solidity language.
  • Form a holistic view of the blockchain.

In the practical part, students will examine examples of working with cryptocurrencies, learn how to conclude trade deals and evaluate the investment potential of assets. Students will also be offered to model a digital network project based on the Ethereum or Bitcoin blockchain platform.

The online course can be taken at a convenient time. There are no deadlines. The training on introductory concepts of blockchain is designed for 13 hours. Graduates receive an electronic certificate that can be published on LinkedIn.

Distributed Lab

Universal Blockchain online training combines knowledge of how decentralized systems work. The free course from education company Distributed Lab helps you learn how the basic elements of blockchain work. The course consists of 50 online lectures. The first 7 lessons focus on bitcoin and the principles of decentralization. The following lectures dive into the technology. Experts give overviews of protocols and consensus, and show how smart contracts and decentralized applications work. Attendees learn what a Merkle tree (hash tree) is and how a Bitcoin script is structured. These and other topics provide a complete introduction to DLT systems.

The trainings are taught by Distributed Lab’s leading developers and invited experts. Lectures are given by:

  • Pavel Kravchenko – project founder and enthusiast in the field of Bitcoin research.
  • Bogdan Skryabin – researcher at Distributed Lab.
  • Yaroslav Panasenko – developer of the company.
  • Roman Oleynikov – researcher at IHK.
  • Andrey Sobol is a development manager at Pandora Boxchain.

Classes are held on Distributed Lab’s YouTube channel. Students who successfully pass the final test will receive a certificate in Russian or English. The exam can be taken on request.

Academy for everyone

The basics of cryptography can be studied in groups or individually. This service is offered by the research and educational institution Blockchain Academy. The company specializes in training bank employees, fintech professionals and anyone interested in cryptocurrencies.

The Academy’s main course is “Powerful Basic.” It is designed for beginners and professionals in finance and technology. Regardless of the level of preparation, the training lays down a basic understanding of blockchains or systematizes existing information. Classes are conducted face-to-face and individually only. The price of a two-day intensive is 185 thousand rubles.

The Academy for All series also includes in-depth programs on the topics:

  • “Banks and consortia: from private blockchains to R3 Corda and Hyperledger Fabric to just Ripple”.
  • “Beyond the Blockchain Horizon.”
  • “Sidechains: the future of the cryptoasset world”.

How to choose blockchain technology training

The field of cryptocurrency and Web3 product development is becoming increasingly attractive. This is evident from the average salary in job vacancies on and In 2024, the crypto segment needs different specialists – from sales managers to developers. They need knowledge about the principles of DLT networks. The choice of training depends on the goals and skills of students.

One of the most paid professions is considered to be a Senior developer. The salary of such specialists depends not only on experience, but also on the programming language. For example, if you become a Senior Developer, you can earn from 250 to 800 thousand rubles. If you program at the position of Frontend Developer, the payment will be from 150 to 250 thousand rubles per month.

Specialists with extensive programming experience in the traditional Web2 environment should choose more narrow-profile courses. For example, with obtaining one or more certificates:

  • Certified Blockchain Expert (CBE)
  • Certified Blockchain Developer (CBD)
  • Certified Ethereum Developer (CED)
  • Certified Hyperledger Developer (CHD)

However, with proper persistence, even beginner programmers can become blockchain developers and get into a promising field. For absolute beginners, it will take about 6 months to learn the necessary basic coding knowledge. Therefore, it will take 1 year to 1.5 years to train to become a blockchain developer from scratch. Some of the most popular platforms in such a case are:

  • Courses based at the RUDN Center for Additional Professional Education.
  • Open Education.

What opportunities open up courses on blockchain technologies

Studying this area allows you to better understand the trends of the digital world and changes in finance. The knowledge is equally applicable both as hard-skills (professional skills) and for private investment. Another advantage of the knowledge gained is that students can become creators of their own project based on blockchain technology or try to change and improve existing solutions on the market.

Korduma kippuvad küsimused

💻 Where to get blockchain education for a beginner?

In 2024, the technology can be studied in face-to-face and online courses at universities and companies. Educational platforms that offer programs from leading experts and universities have become very popular.

✅ Can I take an online cryptocurrency course from a major university for free?

Leading universities around the world post their programs on educational platforms. For example, Coursera offers dozens of free courses from universities in New York, California, Princeton, and others.

🏛 Which universities have the best cryptocurrency programs?

According to CoinDesk, universities in Singapore, Melbourne, and Berkeley were the strongest in studying blockchain developments in 2021.

❓ What cryptocurrency courses for beginners does Udemy offer?

The platform offers hundreds of educational programs on blockchain development. Popular ones include “Introduction to Blockchain Technology”, “Git + Github for Developer” and others.

❔ What online training programs on cryptocurrencies do Russian universities offer?

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Synergy University, Plekhanov Russian Economic University and others have courses on blockchain technology.

📌 How to study the Solidity language?

You can choose short programs both in state educational institutions and private schools. Learning Solidity will help you write smart contracts in Ethereum in the future. But before that, you need to gain knowledge of one of the basic programming languages (e.g. Java or Python). With such experience, learning Solidity will take 1-2 months.

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Autor: Saifedean Ammous, krüptorahanduse ekspert.

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