PhoenixMiner users have started experiencing a software glitch related to OpenCL kernels since 2021. Due to software incompatibility, a problem occurs that prevents devices from solving cryptographic problems to find a new block. It is not difficult to fix the clsetkernelarg 48 mining error. It will take no more than 10 minutes. It is not found in most token mining software.
What clsetkernelarg 48 error means
This is a software failure. It occurs due to an incorrect kernel type or problems with the video card drivers. It appeared in PhoenixMiner 5.2b, which generally received low marks from the community.
What the error looks like
After starting cryptocurrency mining, the clsetkernelarg 48 mining error message appears in the console. The name of the failure indicates the source of the problem – OpenCL kernels, which are program code executing on a work item. This is a small function that is needed for parallel computing on video card microprocessors.
Usually the error occurs on all GPUs in a rig if they share common drivers. Sometimes the failure affects a part of graphics gas pedals. In the second case it is harder to fix the problem, so it is worth collecting rigs from identical units.
The miners have identified the source of the failure. After starting the OpenCL kernel, that is, the function, the software removes it before it finishes the thread. As a result, the device is recognized by the operating system and cryptocurrency mining programs, but the execution of calculations does not take place.
What to do with the clsetkernelarg 48 mining error
PhoenixMiner and EthMiner users who see such a notification in the console do not need to rewrite OpenCL kernels or change video cards for new ones. The error is related to firmware, but it is solved relatively simply and does not require developer skills from the miner.
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Changing a BAT file
“Butnik” is a text file that contains the configuration to run token mining. It is created so that the program understands which pool to connect to, which cryptocurrency to mine and where to send the reward.
Each piece of text in it is a command. You need to write it in accordance with the accepted syntax. An example of a BAT-file can be found on thematic forums and in the software documentation. If you make a mistake, the miner will not accept the configuration.
It also contains commands for customizing the mining process itself, such as overclocking parameters of the video card and the type of OpenCL kernel used. If there is a problem with clsetkernelarg 48, then you must first add a new command to the “batnik”: -clKernel 0. Instructions:
Open the folder with the miner files.
Find the necessary BAT.
At the end of the command line, enter -clKernel 0.
Save changes.
By default, miners use kernels of the first type – optimized kernels. In PhoenixMiner 5.2b, they became the main cause of program failure. The software can also work with kernels of other types.
Type number
Universal. Suitable for calculations of any type.
Optimized. Often leads to failures.
Alternative. Not used by miners as it does not give hashrate growth, but can also cause clsetkernelarg 48.
Turbo core. A special mode of operation of devices, which requires a huge amount of memory. Video cards with 8-12 GB VRAM are not enough. You need to use a swap file. Increases hash rate by about 1 MH/s.
This method has a drawback. Miners noticed that after changing the configuration, the hash rate began to “jump” by 3-5 MH/s every few minutes. This reduces revenue by about 2-3%.
Driver rollback
Users often say that they updated the software and then had problems with PhoenixMiner. Reinstalling drivers of the same version does not help, because the difficulties are caused by the software itself. The only way out is to roll them back. Procedure:
Uninstall the drivers through the “Device Manager”.
Restart the PC.
Open the website of the manufacturer NVIDIA or AMD and find the previous version of the software.
Download the drivers to your PC and install them.
Restart the device again.
This option does not help in all cases. Unlike the first method, the hash rate remains at the same level. If the miner uses an AMD device, it is advisable to start exactly with rolling back the drivers to versions released in the middle of 2021.
Installing another program
This failure was a problem mainly for PhoenixMiner users. To a lesser extent, miners on Ethminer were affected. If there is no desire to reinstall the drivers and edit the BAT, then it is easier to change the software. In addition to these programs, miners use:
NiceHash Miner
Cudo Miner
You should not limit yourself to one program. In addition to technical features, the software differs in commissions. In some cases, using a different software will be a little more profitable.
Häufig gestellte Fragen
💡 Which OS is better for mining?
Most users work with Windows 10. It is superior in many ways, but it is more difficult to customize than HiveOS and RaveOS.
❌ Does clsetkernelarg 48 occur when CPU mining?
No, the glitch occurs when mining cryptocurrencies on video cards. The error does not occur on asics and CPUs.
🔎 How to view hashrate?
The value is updated every few minutes in the console. It should be monitored regularly, especially after configuring the “bootnik” to detect a jumping hashrate in time.
📍 Does the amount of video memory affect the error occurrence?
No, if VRAM is not enough to load DAG, the miner will not start “digging” tokens. The exception is zombie mode, which allows you to reduce the file size.
❗ Can I return a GPU with this error under warranty?
No, the failure is a software issue, not a manufacturing defect. Free repair or replacement is not possible.
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Autor:Saifedaner Ammouseinem Experten für die Wirtschaft der Kryptowährungen.