Wie man ein Binance-Konto wiederherstellt

Binance Account

Account recovery on the Binance cryptocurrency exchange may be required if you lose your password or access to the email or phone number linked to your account. The recovery process includes several methods: resetting the password via email or SMS, contacting the support team with proof of identity, or using Google Authenticator. For verified accounts it is possible to recover by passport. The exchange offers step-by-step instructions for various scenarios, including recovery via the website and mobile app

Sometimes a trader’s account is blocked by the exchange. This happens when clients violate the rules of the platform or regularly log in to the profile from different IPs.

Steps to restore a Binance account

To restore your Binance account, follow the steps below:

  1. Clear cache and change device:
    If you have problems with authorization, try clearing your browser cache and logging in from a different device.
  2. Checking saved data:
    Check to see if the browser has saved your username and password. You can do this through your saved passwords settings.
  3. Password Recovery:
    • Go to the login page and click “Forgot password?”.
    • Enter the e-mail linked to your account and receive a code in your mail or phone.
    • Enter the code on the website, create a new password and save it in a safe place.
  4. Contacting support:
    If access is still not restored, contact Binance support. Go to the help section, select “Chat” and request an operator. Be prepared to provide identity verification data, including the date of registration and the IP address from which the account was created.

These steps will help you regain access to your account and continue using the Binance platform.

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Die größte Kryptobörse, wo Sie schnell und sicher Ihre Reise in die Welt der Kryptowährungen beginnen können. Die Plattform bietet Hunderte von beliebten Vermögenswerten, niedrige Kommissionen und fortschrittliche Tools für den Handel und Investitionen. Die einfache Registrierung, die hohe Geschwindigkeit der Transaktionen und der zuverlässige Schutz der Gelder machen Binance zu einer guten Wahl für Trader jeder Ebene!

Autor: Saifedaner Ammouseinem Experten für die Wirtschaft der Kryptowährungen.

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