PropW: jak vydělat peníze na platformě Prop Trading


With the development of the digital coin market, traders have many advanced tools and sophisticated techniques to improve trading efficiency. Some of them moved from the segment of traditional finance and were successfully adapted to work with cryptocurrencies. Recently, proprietary trading has become popular. In it, the trader uses not his own funds, but the capital of the platform and in case of success receives a share of the profits. One of the first crypto exchanges to launch proprietary trading was CoinW. The PropW platform is designed specifically for experienced traders who are looking to expand their opportunities and increase returns without risking their deposit.

What is prop trading

Classic cryptocurrency trading involves using your own funds to make transactions. With the development of professional skills, traders have more opportunities to earn money. For example, it is possible to manage significant amounts within the trading platform and receive a share of the profits. The amount of remuneration is stipulated by the parties.

The strategy of proprietary trading implies transferring the company’s assets to hired traders on certain conditions:

  • One has to pass a competitive selection process – demonstrate professional skills and efficiency.
  • Before starting trading, clients pay a registration fee.
  • The trader is set a daily limit on losses. When the threshold is reached, all transactions are blocked until the next session as part of risk management.

Some companies offer training for beginners. This is a good opportunity to master cryptocurrency trading under the guidance of professionals. Successful trainees are given small amounts to manage, which are gradually increased.

About PropW platform

In periods of bullish growth, the cryptocurrency market traditionally attracts a large number of newcomers. To attract the audience, exchanges launch various promotions. For example, CoinW, which is among the top 30 trading platforms, held a series of competitions, drawing a prize pool of $1 million in each. The events received a great response among new and regular clients of the exchange and inspired its creators to develop a product.

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The prop-trading platform was launched in the spring of 2024. It was originally called CoinW PropTrading. In June, the project was rebranded and renamed PropW.

The team includes top blockchain experts and professional traders who focus on certifying trading skills in the cryptocurrency segment. PropW helps beginners learn how to make money on the digital coin market without risking their own funds. For experienced traders, the platform offers resources and support to scale profits.

How to make money on PropW

On the platform, traders can demonstrate their skills in cryptocurrency trading. Based on the results, participants will receive certification and funds to conduct trades. The size of the provided deposit increases when the trader’s level increases.

PropW: jak vydělat peníze na platformě Prop Trading
PropW website

The maximum you can get is $200 thousand. To start trading you need to:

  1. Create an account on the platform.
  2. Select the certification mode and pay the registration fee.
  3. Accept the terms of the user agreement and privacy policy.
  4. Receive the first income and full refund of the participation fee.

PropW offers a decent reward – up to 90% of profits from trades. This money can be redirected to your personal wallet. All operations are carried out within a single platform without involving third-party services. Beginners can learn to trade cryptocurrencies under the guidance of professionals and hone their skills in a simulated trading environment.


PropW offers a simple interface and clear navigation. The site is translated into 10 languages, including Russian. You can choose the right version on the main page. To access the features, you need to have an account on the CoinW exchange or create a new one. The instructions are as follows:

  1. On the main page of the PropW website, click on the “Login/Register” button.
  2. You will be automatically redirected to the CoinW authorization form. To create a profile, you need to enter your e-mail or phone number. You can also authorize using Google, Apple, Telegram accounts.
  3. Click on the “Register” button.
  4. Pass the captcha. You need to move the slider on the picture and select 3 relevant images.
  5. Enter the code from the e-mail you received.
  6. Think up and set a complex password.
  7. Click on the “Confirm” button.

After that the user will be automatically returned to the PropW platform. To start working, click on the corresponding button in the center of the screen.

Mode selection

After the first login to the platform, you need to decide on the type of challenge. PropW offers 2 modes for demonstration of trading skills:

  • Standard – with lower profit targets and lenient maximum drawdown requirements. The registration fee is $50-667 depending on the trader’s level. The amount of funds under management is $5-100 thousand.
  • Complex – designed for professional crypto traders. It gives access to larger amounts. At the initial level you can manage $10 thousand, at the “master” level – $200 thousand. The registration fee is lower (from $80 to $1066).

Each mode consists of 2 stages. Competitive conditions for users can be compared in the table.

No Profit Share
No Profit Share
Up to 80%
Target yield
No profit target
Maximum daily loss
Allowable drawdown
Maximum leverage
Trading period

Payment for participation in the contest

Having determined the testing mode, you can move on to choosing a package. The size of the trading deposit will depend on it. To pay you need to:

  1. Click on the banner with the selected package.
  2. You can check the availability of a bonus code for a discount by clicking on the “Special Offer” line.
PropW: jak vydělat peníze na platformě Prop Trading
Package activation
  1. Below you will see the amount to be paid and information about the balance status. If the money is not enough, you need to replenish the account of the linked exchange account. The available amount will be displayed in the personal profile of the PropW user.
  2. Click on the “Accept and pay” button.

The amount will be deducted from the linked exchange account. After activation of the package, the trader will receive a deposit of the selected amount.

How to withdraw profit

On PropW, crypto traders receive up to 80% of trading income without risking their own money. Earned digital currency can be withdrawn to the linked exchange wallet CoinW. The trader has the right to use these funds at his/her discretion.

To send assets to an external account, verification is not required, but the amount will be limited. The limits will be expanded after passing KYC.

The instructions for withdrawing cryptocurrency are not complicated. It is necessary:

  1. Go to the account on the CoinW exchange.
  2. Open the “Asset Management” section.
  3. Select the “Withdraw” tab.
  4. The function is active if the security settings are made. You need to set a password to confirm transactions and two-factor authentication.
PropW: jak vydělat peníze na platformě Prop Trading
Withdraw funds
  1. Select a coin and network.
  2. Specify the digital address of the recipient and the amount of cryptocurrency.
  3. The commission of the network will be calculated automatically.
  4. Click on the “Withdraw funds” button.

Advantages of PropW

The CoinW native crypto exchange is registered in the jurisdiction of the UAE. The developers pay special attention to compliance with regulatory requirements, so the new platform has also received a license from the Dubai Multi Commodity Operations Center (DMCC). This confirms the reliability of the trade operator.

PropW uses a multi-stage security system that includes cryptographic encryption of transactions and customer data, two-factor authentication and transfer confirmation codes. Users can also set up additional account protection.

There are other benefits of the platform as well. Among them:

  • A comprehensive solution that allows you to trade, participate in contests, and withdraw funds without involving third-party platforms.
  • Simple order placement procedure.
  • Available leverage (up to x5).
  • Opportunity to increase trading capital with the increase of skills.
  • Large selection of tools for effective trading.
  • Refund of 100% of the registration fee after completing test tasks. The following conditions must be met – experience in crypto exchanges from 7 years and trading with zero risk.

Partnerský program

PropW’s audience is constantly growing. This is facilitated by the launch of a multi-level referral program. Any user can become a partner of the project. It is not necessary to register as a trader. The size of the commission depends on the level of the partner. More details can be found in the table.

LevelCommission size (%)Number of referrals per month
Grand Master
More than 250

Referral commission is calculated automatically for the previous day. It is credited to the partner’s account. Referrals also receive additional prizes – Challenge accounts of different denominations and gift sets for invited users.

PropW team provides professional support to the participants of the referral program at all stages. Partners can communicate with Influencers, attend corporate events and industry conferences, get early access to new products of the company.

To participate in the program, you must apply on the PropW website. Terms and conditions can be discussed with an operator in chat or by e-mail.


PropW is the first licensed platform for proprietary cryptocurrency trading launched by a leading CEX. The CoinW native exchange has established itself as a reliable financial service provider. It provides a high level of transaction security and technological capabilities for traders.

PropW offers a wide range of instruments, competitive commissions, and a profitable affiliate program. The platform is focused on professional traders, however, it is open to all comers. Beginners can also undergo training under the guidance of mentors and, having confirmed their skills, start earning thanks to money management.

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Autor: Mgr: Saifedean Ammous, odborník na ekonomiku kryptoměn.

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