How to trade cryptocurrency via TradingView on OKX

How to trade cryptocurrency via TradingView on OKX

The integration with TradingView is yet another example of OKX’s commitment to providing convenience and choice to its customers. Users can now connect to exchange accounts and trade coins on TradingView using a familiar set of tools.

Professional traders know that information and the ability to quickly put it into action is the key to profitable trading. TradingView offers a wide range of tools to analyze, buy and sell digital coins. Many traders are already working with the service. However, not everyone knows that you can make deals on OKX directly from your TradingView account and thus save time and increase your potential income. Let us tell you how to do it.

How to trade from a TradingView account on OKX

Clients of the analytical service can use the exchange functions without leaving their personal accounts. To do this, you need to:

    1. Log in to your profile on TradingView. Beginners can register on the platform by clicking on “Get Started”.
      How to trade cryptocurrency via TradingView on OKX
      The login button is located in the upper right corner of the screen
    2. The system will offer you to choose an authorization method. You can use accounts in popular social networks or e-mail.
      How to trade cryptocurrency via TradingView on OKX
      In the future, you can enter the cabinet only through the selected profile
    3. Log in by following the prompts on the screen.
    4. Select a trading pair on OKX using the menu bar at the top of the screen.
      How to trade cryptocurrency via TradingView on OKX
      Searching for a trading pair
    5. For a quick search, click on “All Resources”, click on OKX. Select a trading pair from the drop-down list.
      How to trade cryptocurrency via TradingView on OKX
      Quick search
    6. Scroll down the page to “Trading Panel”. Select OKX, click “Connect”.
      How to trade cryptocurrency via TradingView on OKX
      Trading Panel
    7. The system will redirect to the OKX authorization page. Enter your account details. Click “Login”.
      How to trade cryptocurrency via TradingView on OKX
      OKX authorization
    8. Enter captcha, pass other account authentication checks. Click “Authorize”.

After that you can open orders for any pairs and execute trades directly from your TradingView account. All OKX tools are available to users. These include monitoring and correction of open positions, as well as exiting a trade if necessary.


The integration of TradingView and OKX allows traders to combine the functions of a leading cryptocurrency exchange with a set of analytical tools.

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Autor: Mgr: Saifedean Ammous, odborník na ekonomiku kryptoměn.

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