Top 100 richest bitcoin wallets: who has the most BTC

Bitcoin wallets

Cryptocurrency attracts many investors. Some try to make money by buying and holding only small fractions of bitcoin. Others invest millions and even billions of dollars for the sake of making bigger profits. Among such people are famous personalities like Ilon Musk. The top 100 richest bitcoin wallets in October 2021 totaled 2.76 million BTC (about 15% of all mined coins). Given the Bitcoin exchange rate in effect at the time, this is equivalent to $171 billion.

Types of Bitcoin wallets

A BTC vault is essentially an address where assets are placed on the blockchain and looks like a combination of symbols. With a certain amount of interest, any user can specify it in the blockchain explorer and examine the wallet balance.

Analytical agencies study such information automatically and create interesting compilations. This includes “Who has the most Bitcoins”.

All types of wallets – “cold” and “hot” – are involved in the research. Briefly about the main differences:

  • “Hot” wallet. This is an app or account that is connected to the internet.
  • “Cold” wallet. This is a set of keys stored on a device that is not connected to the Internet. The security of such a wallet is higher compared to a “hot” wallet. But “cold” storage is more difficult to work with. Coin holders do not have the ability to transfer assets in one click.
Top 100 richest bitcoin wallets: who has the most BTC
A member of the Bitcoin system can operate both “hot” and “cold” wallets at once.

It is also important to understand the principle of operation of each individual type of accounts in the Bitcoin network. There are only 5 of them:

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ByBit осигурява удобни и безопасни условия за търговия с криптовалути, предлага ниски комисиони, високо ниво на ликвидност и модерни инструменти за анализ на пазара. Поддържа спот и ливъридж търговия и помага на начинаещи и професионални трейдъри с интуитивен интерфейс и уроци.

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Най-голямата криптоборса, където можете бързо и безопасно да започнете пътуването си в света на криптовалутите. Платформата предлага стотици популярни активи, ниски комисиони и усъвършенствани инструменти за търговия и инвестиране. Лесната регистрация, високата скорост на транзакциите и надеждната защита на средствата правят Binance чудесен избор за трейдъри от всяко ниво!

  • Desktop. Installed on a computer, do not require authorization on the exchange or other online service to work.
  • Web wallets. Convenient for most users. Such storages work through online services in different browsers.
  • Mobile applications. A good option for a person who finds it more convenient to conduct transactions through a smartphone or tablet.
  • Paper cryptocurrency wallets. These are ordinary sheets on which the private and public keys are written. More often QR codes are printed on paper for scanning.
  • Hardware accounts. Separate devices, usually in the form of a flash drive, which contain a record with a private and public key. Used to securely store a large amount of coins because they are tamper-resistant.
Top 100 richest bitcoin wallets: who has the most BTC
Example of a paper bitcoin vault

The type of BTC account should be chosen based on the degree of protection against hacking, the amount of coins and the preferences of the holder.

“Hot” vaults have a number of advantages:

  • Quick access to transactions. Such vaults have a constant connection to the internet, so they work directly with the blockchain. Only network access is required for trading transactions.
  • Speed of transactions. A direct connection to the internet creates the opportunity to make transfers faster.

“Cold” accounts work on a separate device and are not tied to the network. This accounts for their main plus – increased security. However, among the disadvantages can be noted:

  • Slow access to trading operations. For example, when applying hardware wallets, the user needs to connect the device to a computer and download the key.
  • Inability to work with multiple cryptocurrencies simultaneously. Unlike users of desktop and mobile applications, the owner of hardware storage does not have parallel access to different blockchains.

“Cold” wallets are good because an attacker can steal savings only if he takes away the physical media or a sheet with recorded keys. But “hot vaults” are more susceptible to hacking because of constant access to the Internet.

Large investors, owners of the richest bitcoin addresses, risk being left without money if a single wallet key is lost. For this reason, forward-thinking investors split their Bitcoin into multiple vaults at once. This allows them to diversify (reduce) the risk of losing all of their savings.

Top 100 Richest Bitcoin Wallets

There are 38.6 million crypto vaults with a positive balance in the Bitcoin network as of November 1, 2021. The total number of BTC wallets is 912.6 million. The richest bitcoin addresses are presented in the table in descending order of coin amount. Since blockchain is a public registry, anyone can personally check the balance of each vault thanks to monitoring services like

of total
134xp4vRoCGJym3xR7yCVPFHoCNxv4Twseo288 1261,53%
2bc1qgdjqv0av3q56jvd82tkdjpy7gdp9ut8tlqmgrpmv24sq90ecnvqqqjwvww97178 0110,94%
31P5ZEDWTKTFGxQjZphgWPQUpe554WKDfHQ105 7590,56%
437XuVSEpWWW4trkfmvWzegTHQt7BdktSKUs94 5050,5%
538UmuUqPCrFmQo4khkomQwZ4VbY2nZMJ6793 5660,5%
61FeexV6bAHb8ybZjqQMjJJrcCrHGW9sb6uF79 9570,42%
73Kzh9qAqVWQhEsfQz7zEQL1EuSx5tyNLNS78 4650,42%
83LYJfcfHPHPXYJreMsASk2jkn69LWEYKzexb73 6010,39%
9bc1qa5wkgaew2dkv56kfvj49j0av5nml45x9ek9hz669 3700,37%
103LQeSjqS5aXJVCDGSHPR88QvjheTwrhP8N58 8150,31%
111LdRcdxfbSnmCYYNdeYpUnztiYzVfBEQeC53 8800,29%
121AC4fMwgY8j9onSbXEWeH6Zan8QGMSdmtA51 8300,28%
131LruNZjwamWJXThX2Y8C2d47QqhAkkc5os44 0000,23%
143Gpex6g5FPmYWm26myFq7dW12ntd8zMcCY40 0140,21%
15bc1q5shngj24323nsrmxv99st02na6srekfctt30ch40 0000,21%
161NDyJtNTjmwk5xPNhjgAMu4HDHigtobu1s39 7470,21%
17385cR5DM96n1HvBDMzLHPYcw89fZAXULJP39 0020,21%
18159QgP4Ewvvadjc4HDpaaR6pir2R4ZfzVfQ38 4100,2%
19bc1q7ydrtdn8z62xhslqyqtyt38mm4e2c4h3mxjkug36 0000,19%
203EBpAZUAW5Tzyd2FhmmUZnYgftxJkKSLmJ35 2370,19%
213FpYfDGJSdkMAvZvCrwPHDqdmGqUkTsJys32 5440,17%
2212XqeqZRVkBDgmPLVY4ZC6Y4ruUUEug8Fx32 3540,17%
233LCGsSmfr24demGvriN4e3ft8wEcDuHFqh32 2230,17%
243FHNBLobJnbCTFTVakh5TXmEneyf5PT61B31 2750,17%
2512ib7dApVVFvg82TXKycWBNpN8kFyiAN1dr31 0000,16%
26bc1qx9t2l3pyny2spqpqpqlye8svce70nppwtaxwdrp428 3530,15%
2712tkqqA9xSoowkzoERHMWNKsTey55YEBqkv28 1510,15%
28bc1q5pucatprjrqltdp58f92mhqkfuvwpa43vhsjwpxlryude0plzyhqjqqqazp27 0000,14%
29bc1q6kyur2rn044ddp4j9gtdlswhdyrg7u7t9c0j3626 1690,14%
3017MWdxfjPYP2PYhdy885QtihfbW181r1rn24 4950,13%
3119D5J8c59P2bAkWKvxSYw8scD3KUNWoZ1C23 9690,13%
321aXzEKiDJKzkPxTZy9zGc3y1nCDwDPub223 6310,13%
3319iqYbeATe4RxghQZZJnYVFU4mjUUUu76EA623 6300,13%
34bc1qqnt4td9a8xqrqtswvf6n27x0p8n948l2fgye3r6f3yk2d9838scs77ptr323 0400,12%
351932eKraQ3Ad9MeNBHb14WFQbNrNrLaKeEpT22 9000,12%
361MDq7zyLw6oKichbFiDDDZ3aaK59byc6CT822 4000,12%
373FupZp77ySr7jwoLYEJ9mwzJpvoNBXsBnE21 7130,12%
383HSMPBUuAPQf6CU5B3qa6fALrrZXswHaF120 2410,11%
39bc1qtw30nantkrh7y5ue73gm4mmy0zezfqxug3psr94sd967qwg7f76scfmr9p20 1360,11%
4017rm2dvb439dZqyMe2d4D6AQJSgg6yeNRn20 0080,11%
413DVJfEsDTPkGDvqPCLC41X85L1B1DQWDyh19 7830,11%
421PeizMg76Cf96nUQrYg8xuoZWLQozU5zGW19 4140,1%
4338FkZJ32qaNTieBFUVHqQS1LQAZK8VFKkx18 8000,1%
4435pgGeez3ou6ofrpjt8T7bvC9t6RrUK4p617 1320,09%
453H5JTtt42K7RmZtromfTSefcMEFMMe18pMD16 7860,09%
4639szwP9jSLnf61pEzqBKu5Go4cKwD8oWRn16 0060,08%
471LixNYA5WNosrVmrQJbm7rUXTWNxZaqGR215 8560,08%
481GR9qNz7zgtaW5HwwVpEJWMnGWhsbsbsieCG15 7460,08%
491KUr81aewyTFFUfnq4ZrpePZqXixd59ToNn15 0000,08%
503BMEXxSMT2b2b2kvsnC4Q35d2kKJZ4u9bSLh14 8050,08%
513BMEXqGpG4FxBA1KWhRFufXfSTRgzfDBhJ14 7700,08%
5239gUvGynQ7Re3i15G3J2gp9DEB9LnLFPMN14 5280,08%
533EMVdMehEq5SFipQ5UfbsfMsH223sSz9A914 1990,08%
541BZaYtmXka1y3Byi2yvXCDG92Tjz7ecwYj14 0000,07%
55bc1qvpgyac88vqtslewxu7yu9dqwp8rd83zch55zpm3xgn3mgg72w3kqv0s8qa13 6300,07%
561F3Cpgben5uRAMptnPRL9coAbKp9YmWqfb13 3100,07%
57bc1q4jchcr7nla277su5lpjzttxp3xg5j8wds5lcwg13 1600,07%
5835ULMyVnFoYaPaMxwHTRmaGdABpAThM4QR13 1050,07%
59bc1q4vxn43l44h30nkluqfxd9eckf45vr2awz38lwa13 0030,07%
601D2B7zfX6HgnuG7bMT1znFMsGdqX97Fnon13 0000,07%
613ETUmNhL2JuCFFVNSpk8Bqx2eorxyP9FVh12 8860,07%
62bc1qpy4jwethqenp4r7hqls660wy8287vw0my32lmy12 5940,07%
633GWUKxq55XsQ7rkzbxAgfSyf6KHp8Ljh3R12 0000,06%
641F34duy2eeMz5mSrvFepVzy7Y1rBsnAyWC10 7710,06%
65bc1qhd0r5kh3u9mhac7de58qd2rdfx4kkv84kpx30210 5000,06%
66bc1qjh0akslml59uuczddqu0y4p3vj64hg5mc94c4010 2970,05%
67bc1qzhpuphvclm0qujk34qc7tyhlevcj6g325m4szu10 0590,05%
681f1miYFQWTzdLiCBxtHHnNiW7WAWPUccr10 0090,05%
69bc1qsxdxm0exqdsmnl9ejrz250xqxrxpxkgf5nhhtq10 0020,05%
701BAFWQhQhH9pNkz3mZDQ1tWrtKkkSHVCkc3fV10 0000,05%
7114YK4mzJGo5NKkkNnmVJeuEAQftLt795Gec10 0000,05%
721Ki3WTEEqTLPNsN5cGTsMkL2sJ4m5mdCXT10 0000,05%
731KbrSKrT3GeEruTuuYYUSQ35JwKbrAWJYm10 0000,05%
741P1iThxBH542Gmk1kZNXyji4E4iwpvSbrt10 0000,05%
7512tLs9c9RsALt4ockxa1hB4iTCTSmxj2me10 0000,05%
761ucXXZQSEf4zny2HRwAQKtVpkLPTUKRtt10 0000,05%
771CPaziTqeEixPoSFtJxu74uDGbpEAotZom10 0000,05%
781LfV1tSt3KNyHpFJnAzrqsLFdeD2EvU1MK10 0000,05%
791PN1xjngm9jhY9duuR8af7CXmK3QVcsixJ10 0000,05%
803DwVjwVeJa9Za9Z5Pu15WHNfKcDxY5tFUGfdx10 0000,05%
811EU2pMence1UfifCco2UHJCdoqorAtpT710 0000,05%

Who has the most BTC

It is believed that the largest holder of Bitcoin coins is Satoshi Nakamoto. This is the creator of the Bitcoin protocol – the first cryptocurrency in history. It is known that he managed to mine about 1.1 million BTC back in the early days of the system’s development. It is believed that Satoshi Nakamoto divided his savings into many parts. Some of his addresses hold as little as 50 BTC each.

As of October 2021, it is unknown whether funds have been withdrawn from Satoshi Nakamoto’s crypto vaults. It is hard to say whether he can be called the largest investor in Bitcoin. One has to consider the anonymity of this person or group of people.


It is difficult to identify the richest bitcoin holder. Big investors often divide the invested capital into several parts. Also, the Bitcoin network is considered an anonymous system. For this reason, it is much more difficult to identify address holders than customers of traditional financial services.

The richest bitcoin wallet as of October 2021 belongs to the crypto exchange Binance. This is a “cold” account. Its main purpose is to store the funds of the site’s users. It will be wrong to say that its owner is the largest holder of BTC, since the money belongs to many customers.

A similar story can be traced in some other addresses from the top 100. Some of them are created by cryptocurrency platforms to store users’ investments.


In 2013, a high-profile news was published. The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) was able to shut down the online marketplace for the sale of narcotic substances Silk Road. The platform’s accounts were seized.

The Bureau took control of more than 144,000 bitcoins. FBI employees called this result an “unintended side effect” of shutting down the online drug marketplace.

After the leak, the U.S. Government stopped releasing other details about the event. What happened next with the FBI-controlled wallet is unknown. But there is information that some of the coins (29,656) were bought from the auction by Tim Draper – founder of the venture capital hedge fund firm Draper Fisher Jurvetson.


As of October 2021, the largest holder of Bitcoin is unknown. The cryptocurrency community considers Satoshi Nakamoto as such. The creator of the Bitcoin system managed to mine up to 1 million coins. Savings are distributed to different addresses. Because of the anonymity of the blockchain, it is impossible to verify these assumptions.

On the largest cryptocurrency wallet in October 2021 stored 288.1 thousand. BTC, which is about 1.5% of all mined koins.

Често задавани въпроси

❓ Which type of bitcoin wallet is best?

Traders are more likely to register accounts on mobile and online services. But each type of wallet has its own advantages and disadvantages.

💎 Why are cold vaults needed?

They are used to safely hold assets. More often such services are used by owners of large volumes of BTC.

💵 How much does a hardware wallet cost?

In 2021, the price of the device starts from $80.

🔍 How many bitcoins does Satoshi Nakamoto have?

The exact number is unknown. A person or group of people from Japan is believed to be hiding under a pseudonym. It has not yet been possible to reliably establish the identity.

💰 What is the amount stored in the top 1 Bitcoin wallet?

As of October 15, 2021, the balance of this address is $17.22 billion.

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Автор: Saifedean Ammous, експерт в областта на икономиката на криптовалутите.

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